Some sights give me goosebumps, and this exquisite Spotted Pardalote is definitely one of them.

1/1600, f/5.6, ISO 1600
Canon 5DSR, Canon 200-400mmL IS USM EXT
A few weeks ago I shared some other images of Spotted Pardalotes but I saved this one for a while. I wanted to work on the post processing, making sure everything looked as beautiful as it did when I was watching this exquisite little bird ruffle its feathers as it paused on my Albertine Heritage Rose.
The thorns looked so huge against the tiny bird, that measures just 8-10cm and weighs about 8g. I found myself willing him to be careful and not to flit along the branch with such a recklessly cavalier attitude!
Just after I took this shot I saw him with some nesting material. I snuck away very rapidly and never did find out whether they were building a nest beneath my house or in the corrugations of the roofing iron. I hope they have, or will, manage to raise a large and happy family. They’re not calling at the moment so perhaps they’re still nesting somewhere. Their call is remarkably loud considering how tiny they are. They have a three note call with the first note slightly softer and lower than the next two. I often hear the call without seeing the pardalotes, or I just catch glimpses of them as they flit about in the canopy of eucalypts. It’s especially wonderful to see them close up, and capturing an image like this one has kept me smiling.
I’m going to print and frame ‘A Pardalote Rose‘ to remind myself of the hope and joy this tiny bird gave me during a very long and lonely lockdown.
Happy birding, Kim
~ This image is now available from my Redbubble shop, link above
~ Facebook page Kim Wormald – lirralirra
~ Facebook group Ethical Bird Photography
Exquisite is the word. I so want to see one ‘in the wild’ one day. He’s stunningly gorgeous, beautiful photography as always, Kim. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much Syndy. I hope you get to see one soon, they are truly gorgeous. I’m going to treat myself to a large print of this one, which is something I don’t do very often
They are truly enchanting birds aren’t they – and your shot of this beauty is AMAZING.
I am so glad that you will have a happy and beautiful memory to hang on your walls after this truly difficult (and often dreadful) year.
I’m glad you like it EC, I’m definitely still in the honeymoon period with it, and I hope I am for a long time.