Shortly after enjoying the sight of an Eastern Yellow Robin bathing I saw one being swallowed, whole, by a Laughing Kookaburra.
Eastern Yellow Robin
1/400, f/5.6, ISO 3200, focal length 400mm
The kookaburra swallowed the robin too quickly for me to take a photograph, which was probably a good thing as it wasn’t a pleasant sight.
I haven’t found anything definitive about the size of an Eastern Yellow Robin’s territory but I’m hopeful that this week’s robin stayed safe as the bird being eaten was about 500m away from the bathing bird in a high quality environment. Another plus is that I’d driven from one area to the next so it’s unlikely that the robin had followed me across its territory. I saw the bottom half of the robin protruding from the kookaburra’s bill moments before it disappeared head-first. I’ve seen several Eastern Yellow Robins being eaten, the poor birds seem particularly vulnerable. Perhaps their colouring and predictable habits make them a relatively easy catch as they perch patiently on low branches, trunks and fences before pouncing to the ground for prey and returning to a perch.
Eastern Yellow Robin
1/400, f/5.6, ISO 3200, focal length 400mm
It was an overcast, extremely dull day and even with the aperture wide open I needed an ISO of 3200, which I use extremely rarely. I’d hoped to post images of a Scarlet Robin pair that I saw this week but I haven’t had a chance to properly look at the images yet, and I’m not overly hopeful they’ll be good enough to share. I’ll be especially looking for robins over the next few weeks, please let me know if you can suggest a good place to look.
Eastern Yellow Robin
1/400, f/5.6, ISO 3200, focal length 400mm
The relatively low shutter speed of 1/400th of a second has captured the movement of the robin’s olive-green feathers as it fluffs them back into place. I have a special fondness for robins. I find their shape and colouring to be exquisite, along with their friendly natures as they perch nearby clearly hoping that we’ll uncover a tasty morsel as we work or wander.
Happy birding, Kim
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Thank you for commenting Alyssa
Your robins are so much cuter than ours and your images as always are stunning. So glad we didn’t have to experience the “feast”!
It’s funny how different the USA robin is, quite a bit bigger from memory. I’ll have to refresh my memory with a bit of research.
Gorgeous images of a feathered ping-pong ball, with a beak, attitude and charm.
It is right and proper that the kookaburra finds food, but I would be very, very sad watching it. Hypocritical to the core. And a terminal wuss.
‘Ping-pong ball …’
Me too EC.
Aw I love it’s tufty rump! Gorgeous pics
‘Tufty rump’ hehe