I was astounded to see the halo of pollen tossed into the air when The Pollinator lifted its head after taking nectar from a New Zealand flax lily; I’ve never seen anything like it before, despite having taken thousands of honeyeater images.
New Holland Honeyeater
1/1250, f/6.3, ISO 800
I have a crazily busy weekend ahead so have chosen to share an image I prepared earlier, it’s one of my all-time favourites. This shot has won several international awards and this week it won something even more special when it was voted Image of the Year at the Knox Photographic Society. I joined KPS a few years ago and have met so many beautiful people, and learned so much – if you’ve been thinking about joining a camera club I’d highly recommend it. It’s inspiring to see other KPS photographers’ images, stunning shots with beautiful lighting and creativity. I’m always amazed by how differently we see things.
It is past midnight and I have an early start in the morning so I must get some sleep.
Happy birding
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PS my apologies that I have not replied to last week’s comments, I will answer them as soon as I can
[…] finalist image in last year’s AGNPOTY (The Pollinator) sold several copies, I don’t expect anyone to want The Hand of Man hanging in their home but […]
Wow, stunning. Never seen a shot like this! Did he sneeze?
[…] PS The AGNPOTY image is shared here: The Pollinator […]
Great shot Kim
Thank you Peter, I always enjoy seeing nature’s nice surprises
Thanks Stephen!
Wow how cool is that? Beautiful shot Kim, as always.
Thank you Georgina
Hi Kim.
I have enjoyed your photos and comments in silence for several years now but this time I just had to post a comment. I have never in my life seen a shot like the one you posted today with the pollen flying into the air and I am looking at nature shots all the time. It’s a brilliant shot, Kim. Congratulations on being able to capture the moment.
Marj Webber
Bribie Island, Qld.
Hi Marj, it’s lovely to hear from you and interesting that you have never seen a shot like it either. I think that even a breath of wind would have dispersed the pollen too quickly for it to have shown. I’m looking at the image as I write to you and the honeyeater is so heavily burdened with pollen that it doesn’t look as though there was room for any more. It was definitely a serendipitous time to press the shutter button, Kim
Amazing image Kim. No wonder it won. And what about the beautifully designed feathers on the forehead that appear to be placed to pick up the pollen and throw it past the birds eyes? Wonderful!
That is such a fascinating observation Neil! I’ll have to go into the shot 1:1, or more, to have a closer look
Fantastic Kim. Best wishes for Christmas and very happy bird photographing in 2018. Valda Jenkins
Thank you Valda, and wishing you a happy Christmas and a great year of painting in 2018
I hope you day goes wonderfully.
And thank you for this stunning image to brighten my day.
Everything went well EC, apart from soggy ground which we managed to cover. I’m off to visit myjustsostory …
What a smashing shot!!!
Thank you Cloudia!
Awesome sis (inlaw). Congratulations!!!!
Thanks Evan