I’m sitting here in another lockdown, in the drizzle, watching wet rabbits eat wet grass while soggy birds fly overhead. So it’s clearly winter lockdown quiz time! This year I’ve added two shots that littlies in your lives should be able to help with.
Share any answers in the comments and I’ll keep them under wraps until next week. Even getting a couple right is pretty awesome – have fun! You can leave your answers with a pseudonym if you’d like to.

Definition of ‘ring-in’ for overseas visistors: Australian, New Zealand A horse or an athlete fraudulently substituted for another in a competition or event.
Happy birding, stay safe and good luck! Kim
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1. Australian Pelican
2. Crested Pigeon
3. juvenile ?
4. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
5. Pacific Gull
6. ? Nightjar
7. Laughing Kookaburra
8. Australasian Gannet
9. Australian Wood Duck
10. Crimson Rosella, Adelaide type.
11. Australasian Grebe
12. A ringin, a rabbit
Great answers Neville! I wish I had photographs of an Owlet Nightjar. A birder suggested they could be at my place, I think I’d faint with delight, but I’ve never heard them so doubt that they’re here.
My guesses as follows for the beautiful owners of the beautiful feathers and bills you photographed (and furry ears
1/ Australian Pelican 2/ Common Bronzewing 3/ Black Swan cygnet 4/ Sulfur Crested Cockatoo 5/ Pacific Gull 6/ Mallee Fowl 7/ Emu 8/ Australasian Gannet 9/ Cape Barren Goose 10/ juvenile Crimson Rosella 11/ Australasian Grebe 12/ Feral Bunny
Superb job Ainslie, I think you’re one of two to have got so many. Congratulations!
Hello Kim, thankyou once again for giving us a quiz (although I am a lucky Tasmanian and not in lockdown) to test our knowledge or lack thereof:)
1. Pelican
2. Crested Pigeon
3. a duckling?
4. Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
5. Kelp Gull
6.Red Knot
8.Australasian Gannet
9.Cape Barren Goose
10. Juvenile Crimson Rosella
11.Australasian Grebe
12. A rabbit
Ah, they’re the same apart from number 3. I was quite shocked by how different that close up looked compared with the whole cygnet – I’m surprised anyone got it. And it’s a super tiny blush of red visible on the gull’s upper bill, I feel a bit mean about that one!
Hello Kim, thankyou once again for giving us a quiz (although I am a lucky Tasmanian and not in lockdown) to test our knowledge or lack thereof:)
1. Pelican
2. Crested Pigeon
3. No idea
4. Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
5. Kelp Gull
6.Red Knot
8.Australasian Gannet
9.Cape Barren Goose
10. Juvenile Crimson Rosella
11.Australasian Grebe
12. A rabbit
Yes, you’re very lucky Alison, and I hope it stays that way for you. Definitely your knowledge and not a lack thereof! I was just going to say that a couple of people mentioned a Red Knot then I realised… I’ll head there now
1. Bill of a Pelican
2. Female Wood Duck wing feathers
3. Black Swan Cygnet eye
4. Sulphur Crested Cockatoo crest
5. Sea Gull eating a cuttlefish
6. Tawny Frogmouth wing
7. Emu back
8. Northern Gannet feeding chick
9. Cape Barron Goose
10. Juvenile Crimson Rosella
11. Black Swan Cygnet pruning
12. European Rabbit
Superb job Emma! I’m counting the Northern Gannet as correct as I’m guessing you’re not in Australia. And you’re the only one who gave the rabbit its dignified title, there is a bit of a population explosion of them at my place at the moment. That will go down rapidly as the fox cubs grow.
Nice questions!
1 ooh a pelican!
2 skip
3 looks like a koala but I’m guessing an emu
4 definitely a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
5 Silvergull
6 an owl
7 an emu!
8 skip
9 a young Silvergull
10 Rainbow Lorikeet or Crimson Rosella
11 skip
12 a little bunny rabbit
I happen to know that you are a primary school student and I am flabbergasted that you did so well! Congratulations! And maybe ‘flabbergasted’ is a new word for today, actually I expect it’s one you already know.
Oh! Another quiz! I love your quizzes! Here are my guesses for this one:
1 Australian Pelican, because I remember that fantastic photo you posted recently. Still haven’t had a chance to see those colours for myself.
2 Crested Pigeon. Thought Bronzewing at first, but it wasn’t quite right.
3 My first thought was cygnet. Maybe the colouring combined with your caption. Can’t give any other good reason.
4 Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
5 Pacific Gull. Initial thought was Kelp, but the red lipstick on the lower part of the bill is just visible and bill is also quite chunky.
6 Malleefowl. Such beautiful birds! I’ve been looking at lots of videos of Malleefowl recently.
7 Really no idea. The fine little feathers maybe point towards a fairy-wren, but I’m probably not even close.
8 Australasian Gannet. Colouring and bill shape remind me of my visit at the Point Danger colony.
9 Cape Barren Goose. I remembered that sticky-uppy-photo that you posted, otherwise I would never have guessed that.
10 Crimson Rosella. Has to be a juvenile with that pretty mix of colours.
11 Australasian Grebe, because it has some rusty colour on the side, but I’m not entirely sure. How sneaky to not show the head!
12 Easter Bunny! Time to get some chocolate…
Absolutely FABULOUS answers Elke, definitely an HD, no wonder you like quizzes! I loved reading your explanations too, you made me laugh several times, especially with your fairywren. And, speaking of chocolate…
Hi Kim, had a blast IDing these beauties
Thanks for the challenge
1- Pelican
2- Crested Pigeon
3- Black Swan cygnet
4- Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
5- Pacific Gull
6- Mallee Fowl
7- Tawny Frogmouth
8- Gannet
9- Spotted Dove
10- Rainbow Lorikeet
11- Australasian Grebe
12- Bugs Bunny
Good on you Yvette, you one of the few who got the cygnet. And you did super well on the others too, congratulations!
PS Bugs Bunny hehehe
Simply sublime. I am late to the party, but love, love, love the colours and the textures.
I am obviously a littlie. Their categories I can manage relatively easily.
No. 10 looks like a young crimson rosella to me – before it has all of its adult plumage.
That’s funny EC. And you managed more than the littlies’ images. I agree about the colours and textures, especially the pelican’s pouch, that astounds me.
Ok…1 pelican 2 Bronzewing 3 wood duck 4 sc cockatoo 5 pacific gull 6 kookaburra 7 emu 8 gannet 9 white faced heron 10 crimson rosella 11 pink eared duck 12 rabbit. How’d I do??!! Definitely a few wrong!!
And definitely a few right! In fact, more right than not. Thanks heaps for being part of the challenge
boy Kim – not making things easy.My guesses for some 1. breeding pelican, 2. crested pigeon 4. s.c. cockatoo 5. hard to see ? kelp gull 8. a. gannet feeding young 10. crimson rosella
11. aust. grebe 12. lovely bunny rabbit thanks Marne
Good on you Marne, you got heaps, including one that was pretty tricky.
I got into birding last year so am going to make a mess of a guess
Is 1 a pelican? colours look insane
2 one of the pigeons with coloured wings
4 white cockatoo, for sure
5 sea gull
9 rosella
10 parrot
11 duck
and 12 a long-eared hopping bird
For a newbie Michael you’ve done super well, especially with that long-eared hopping bird, I’ve got a few of them round here!
Yeah there is something not working with comments if the ‘duplicate comment’ notice is true. I’ll have a go again this year. How’s about these
1. pelican
2. bronze wing
3. don’t know
4. cocky
5. gull
6. mallee fowl
7. emu
8. gannet
9. lorikeet
It’s funny you mentioned that as it just happened to me! Anyways, good on you for having a go, you got quite a few
Oooh, some of them?!? Thank you for this bit of fun!

1. Pelican
2. Bronzewing
3. ?
4. Cockatoo
5. Kelp or Pacific gull?
6. ?
7. Emu
8. Australasian gannet
9. ? But I love it!
10. Rainbow lorikeet
11. A duck
12. Rabbit
Hope I got a few right
You definitely got a few right! And your comment about number 9 made me check the answers, they are so varied!
I’ve had a crack! Good fun, thanks for putting it together!
1. Australian Pelican
2. Common bronzewing
3. Cape barren goose
4. Sulfur crested cockatoo
5. Pacific gull
6. ??
7. Emu
8. Australasian Gannet
9. Grey teal
10. Crimson rosella juvenile
11. Austrasian grebe
12. The Easter bunny
The Easter bunny! Well, there’s certainly enough chocolate around here to make that suggestion. I’m glad you enjoyed having a crack at it
1. Pelican
4. Cockatoo
5. Seagull
8. I know what these are but I can’t remember what they are called!
9. Crimson rosella
12. A wascly wabbit
I don’t know the rest! It’s tricky!
Congratulations for being the first cab off the rank Tamsin! You deserve extra points for that, and for making me smile with your ‘wascly wabbit’ answer