AGNPOTY finalist!

Over the years I have found it increasingly difficult to share personal information, the reasons why are complicated but hopefully I’ll actually have the courage to hit ‘publish’ when I get to the end of this post.


Superb Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) – male
1/1600, f/5.6, ISO 800

NB The AGNPOTY image is shared here: The Pollinator


I took the image above on a recent visit to Cranbourne’s Royal Botanic Gardens. I took many photographs of New Holland Honeyeaters and Eastern Spinebills as they fed on nectar from the Kangaroo Paw. Then this little Superb Fairy-wren appeared briefly as he searched for insects and spiders among the blossoms. Starting the previous sentence with ‘then’ took me back to primary school and being told never to start a sentence with ‘then’, ‘and’ or ‘but’. I was at a literary conference in the Northern Territory in the 90s when Colin Thiele gave a brilliant talk during which he said there was a whole generation of adults who would have an affair before they’d start a sentence with ‘but’ – I’ve never heard a conference audience laugh so loudly.

Anyways, I have now procrastinated and digressed quite creatively but I am crazily excited to share the news that I am a finalist in the Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year competition and that one of my images will be included in the AGNPOTY exhibitions and book. I am thrilled.

Many thanks to everyone who has taken an interest in my photography and offered kind words and encouragement.

Happy birding




Duck Shooting Update

Last weekend I joined my daughter and many other Coalition Against Duck Shooting rescuers as they scoured lakes and wetlands searching for dead and injured native birds. Yet again I was disgusted by the behaviour of shooters and inspired by the rescuers.

Animals Australia Petition – if you haven’t yet signed please click the link and help to save 100,000s of native waterbirds

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