Over the years I have found it increasingly difficult to share personal information, the reasons why are complicated but hopefully I’ll actually have the courage to hit ‘publish’ when I get to the end of this post.
Superb Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) – male
1/1600, f/5.6, ISO 800
NB The AGNPOTY image is shared here: The Pollinator
I took the image above on a recent visit to Cranbourne’s Royal Botanic Gardens. I took many photographs of New Holland Honeyeaters and Eastern Spinebills as they fed on nectar from the Kangaroo Paw. Then this little Superb Fairy-wren appeared briefly as he searched for insects and spiders among the blossoms. Starting the previous sentence with ‘then’ took me back to primary school and being told never to start a sentence with ‘then’, ‘and’ or ‘but’. I was at a literary conference in the Northern Territory in the 90s when Colin Thiele gave a brilliant talk during which he said there was a whole generation of adults who would have an affair before they’d start a sentence with ‘but’ – I’ve never heard a conference audience laugh so loudly.
Anyways, I have now procrastinated and digressed quite creatively but I am crazily excited to share the news that I am a finalist in the Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year competition and that one of my images will be included in the AGNPOTY exhibitions and book. I am thrilled.
Many thanks to everyone who has taken an interest in my photography and offered kind words and encouragement.
Happy birding
Duck Shooting Update
Last weekend I joined my daughter and many other Coalition Against Duck Shooting rescuers as they scoured lakes and wetlands searching for dead and injured native birds. Yet again I was disgusted by the behaviour of shooters and inspired by the rescuers.
Animals Australia Petition – if you haven’t yet signed please click the link and help to save 100,000s of native waterbirds
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That’s wonderful Kim, your photos have inspired me to upgrade to an SLR so, THANK YOU.
I just couldn’t tolerate the convenience over quality angle any longer.
That’s great Steve! I hope you have heaps of fun with your SLR, I’m sure it’ll keep you smiling
Yeah, they were a great car, the best of the Toranas! Some idiot tried to tell me they were 35mm! What a clown! 12-14 feet at least! Then he said, “No, the camera”. Dunno what he was on about, my phone is 7 inches at LEAST. And then, you wouldn’t believe it, he sez, “no, the film is 35mm!”
What a dead-set dill! Never even heard of that film! Probably one o those foreign ones you have to read!
Anyway, this is a fantastic shot Kim, Superb even! Love the forward leaning pose. You must have one o them really good phones eh?
Lol I like it congratulations i love the pollinator lololol
What a funny comment, thank you!
Wonderful news, Kim. Your bird photos are spectacular and you truly deserve recognition by such a well known longstanding organisation. Good luck.
Susanne KPS
Thank you Susanne, I appreciate your lovely comment
Congratulations Kim, we all want to hear about your well earned achievements. You are helping our birds so much with your photos and information about each of the birds each week. A big thank you Valda Jenkins
That’s really kind of you Valda, thank you, Kim
The Pollinator is glorious,as are so many of your images. I so admire your artistic eye and your patience. Also, thank you for your stalwart work on behalf of vulnerable birds.
Thank for your kind words Jillian and for caring about the vulnerable birds, they need all the help they can get
So pleased to hear that your work is being recognised – I have always been inspired by your photography! Congrats on your nomination.
Many thanks Annette
I am so pleased for you! Your photos and ethics are an inspiration, and I love your lirralirra page and stories. Thank you so very much for sharing with us.
Aw thank you Ainslie, that’s so lovely, it’s good to know there are kindred spirits out there
Congratulations! So well deserved.
I appreciate that Denise, thank you
Congratulations! Wonderful news. You photos are always a delight.
Thanks so much Meredith
Very well deserved Mum! You put your heart and soul into your amazing work and it’s brilliant to see it recognised so prestigiously. Congratulations!
Thanks Alyssa for all your encouragement and for joining me on so many trips xo
Wonderful image Kim. Let’s hope you win.
Thank you Neil. The fairy-wren isn’t the finalist, sorry if it was confusing, I didn’t add the link until a bit later.
Wow, well done and congratulations, that’s amazing!. I really enjoy your blogs and look forward to my email every week.
Hi Donna, thank you, that’s lovely to know
Wow. You so deserve this. I am so proud of you. Congratulations.
Aw thank you Janette
go, go, go girl!!
Congratulations Kim, a wonderful and well deserved recognition of your skillful and creative images. Fingers crossed, toes too

Thanks so much Alison
Congratulations it is a wonderful shot!
Thanks Stephen
Good one, Kim. Seriously, well done.
Thank you Noel, and thank you for your help with the confusing export options
Very entertaining.. don’t stop now!! Congratulations.
Thank you Julie, though today’s rain and howling winds leave me thinking that all I could photograph now is rippling puddles
Yoohoo Kim !! So glad you’re sharing this achievement with us all. We all know how much time, effort, skill, creativity and heart goes into the work you present here.
Congratulations on being selected for the exhibition and book. Best of luck for even higher recognition for your work !!!!
Thank you Lyn, I like that you added ‘heart’ in your comment, that’s really lovely
Persistence is rewarded in many ways, not the least a lasting image that everyone enjoys.
Neville, I like that thought, a lot. There are many images that I can remember without having the faintest idea who took them. Now I feel as though the world is overflowing with random acts of kindness
Congratulations and so well deserved. Every time I receive and open one of your emails my day is so much brighter and the amazing and beautiful images always make me feel so happy.
Biggest thank you to all the committed and selfless rescuers who work tirelessly in very dangerous situations to rescue birds which have been injured or dying. This senseless killing of our unique wildlife must stop – everyone can raise their voice in protest and demand an end to this horrific and tragic waste of life.
Kim your images show the world how beautiful our birds are and that they are a very vital part of nature and our environment.
Shout out about your success – you deserve it and enjoy the moment.
I appreciate your comment Barbara, thank you, and totally agree with you about the rescuers. They are out there this weekend (as always) in this appalling weather, hopefully the shooters have stayed home and the birds will be safe.
I am enjoying your blogs and can see why your photos are being given the attention they deserve. Congratulations, and keep up the good work. Regards, Roy
Thanks Roy. It was a long time ago that we met on Fraser Island and I wished I could join the photography group even though they had big lenses and I had a point and shoot that would fit in my pocket
Woo Hoo. And happy dances.
(And was another word I was told I couldn’t use to start a sentence. My very adult self sticks her tongue out.)
I am so very glad to hear that your dedication and skill are getting some of the recognition they deserve.
I called ‘woo hoo’ and did some happy dancing myself EC! And good on you for sticking your tongue out about starting sentences with and. I’ve just started and ended a sentence with and, I can’t imagine the affect that would have had on my old English teacher (the grumpy one, not the lovely ones)
Well deserved! Congratulations.
Thank you David
Thanks Julie
Congratulations, Kim. All of your photos are winners.
Thank you Carole. I hereby appoint you top judge in every competition I enter
Congratulations, Kim! That’s something to be very proud of and also so special since your love of wildlife has led to developing skill in taking photos of them so to have this honour for something you love doing is just icing on the cake, wouldn’t you say?
I would indeed be proud and thrilled if I achieved it.
The Fairy Wren photo is fabulous. He is really poised on the edge of that flower, ready to take off if a small insect appears in his view. They are such photogenic birds!
Good luck in the competition. Cheers!
It really is a deliciously lovely icing on the cake. The image on the shortlist is The Pollinator, not the fairy-wren, I’ve confused a lot of people with that (though I’m glad you like it). I hope you get a similar honour, Kim, soon
That is wonderful news Kim! So happy for you x
Thank you Gai, it was a lovely surprise xo
That is wonderful news and you deserve recognition for all your great work and dedication. I am an AG member and look forward to seeing the results. Peter
Thanks so much Peter. I think my membership has lapsed, I’ll have to rejoin
Congratulations you are a legend!!! Very exciting!! Love and hugs, Georgina
How lovely to get a legend comment from THE legend! Kim xo