I’ve had a busy week, including several days spent in the bush. The days were too overcast for photography but I enjoy spending time with the birds regardless of the weather.
Recently I’ve started entering competitions in an endeavour to keep improving the quality of my images. I’ve been lucky to have some images accepted for national and international exhibition, some of which will be on display at the Pakenham National Photographic Exhibition 2013, at the Cardinia Cultural Centre between 10am-5pm on Saturday 21 September and 10am-3pm on Sunday 22 September. The exhibition will feature 375 images in a wide range of genres, so if you live locally it could be a good place to visit.
I won’t post images this week that will be displayed in Pakenham but the Noisy Friarbird and the Silvereye have received acceptances in other competitions.
Noisy Friarbird – “Nosy Friarbird“
Noisy Friarbirds are strange-looking birds, they’re about 34cm long and weigh about 117g. They are easily identified by their bare black heads and upper necks, along with the distinctive casque, or bump, on the base of their bills. Their red eyes look almost unbelievably bright.
Silvereye – “King of the Castle“
Silvereyes, at just 11cm and 11g, are much tinier than Noisy Friarbirds. I especially enjoy photographing small birds. The challenge of capturing them is increased because of their size, their constant activity and the fact that they prefer to remain hidden in the bush and only perch in the open for brief moments.
Bush Stone-curlew – “Withering Look“
This Bush Stone-curlew image was taken in captivity so cannot be entered into competitions in the nature category; there are strict and excellent guidelines in place to ensure that nature images are completely natural. I took the Bush Stone-curlew image as I was fascinated by its bristle-brush eyelashes, the colour of its iris and the withering look which made it easy to pick the image title.
Happy birding, Kim
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Also, I recently added a Facebook ‘like’ button. Thank you to all ‘likers’ – I like you too!
YAY for you and I can see why your images would be accepted for such greatness, they are AMAZING!
*Blush* very minor greatness but very encouraging at the same time, which has been lovely. Thank you for adding to the warm fuzzies
Wow, congrats on having your photos displayed. I have always enjoyed seeing your lovely images and cool birds. Have a happy week!
We are lucky to have so many amazing birds to watch and photograph. A happy week to you too Eileen.
hi kim
when it s cloudy, it s never easy for photographie
but the contrasts are better too, almost for black or white subject, we have more details thanks in a sun too strong
but thanks for these pictures, it s a good job, composition, attitudes and bokeh are well balanced
happy birding =)))
That’s so true about contrasts Eric, it’s much better to avoid dark shadows if possible. Aren’t we lucky to enjoy birds and bird photography!
Congratulations on having your photos accepted for display at the Pakenham National Photographic Exibition! Those are great images of the Noisy Friarbird, Silvereye, and Bush Stone-curlew. I enjoy spending some time each week with various birds of Australia via lirralirra.
Thank you Dave for your kind comments – it’s great to know that you visit each week
Congratulations on your well deserved competition success. And all of your images this week are stunning.
Am I right in thinking that the Silver-Eye is on a fig tree? Growing up they were the bane of my existence when they hollowed out the fruit which then fell to the ground and rotted to become part of my clean-up duties. It took some years before I could appreciate their cheeky charm again.
You’re right EC, the Silvereye is on a fig tree. It would have been a rotten job to pick up the decomposing fruit, I hope you weren’t bothered by wasps. I’ll be thinking of you when I’m photographing Silvereyes on this year’s crop.