Chestnut-crowned Babblers turned up in the middle of the Mallee just seconds before a couple of guys turned up asking for directions – I nearly cried.
Chestnut-crowned Babblers (Pomatostomus ruficeps)
1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 1600
This was the only image I captured that is half-way worth sharing – guess who it is looking at? Sigh.
Regardless of the lack of images, it was fantastic to see such noisy, active little characters so clearly for a few moments. Chestnut-crowned Babblers can been found in the north-west corner of Victoria and further north in a patch that straddles the borders of South Australia, Queensland and New South Wales.
These babblers are generally seen in groups of up to about a dozen birds. They measure about 21cm and weigh between 50-70g. Their chestnut crown is obvious, as is their white supercilium (eyebrow), extensive white bib and fairly long decurved bill. They are the only species of babbler to have two distinct white stripes on their wings.
They eat a wide range of invertebrates, along with small reptiles, seeds and fruits.
Chestnut-crowned Chook
1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 3200
I took this chook image in a friend’s garden last week and found the similarities with the Chestnut-crowned Babbler quite funny; well, it has a decurved bill and a chestnut crown. I like the ruffle of feathers that were blowing in the wind.
Happy birding
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Aw now that really sucks! That’s the one place I saw them, but clearly I was a lot luckier! We came across a big grey fallen Eucalypt and about a half dozen CC’s were jumping around, looking for lunch. I was blown away. I’d just seen my first Splendid Wren not ten minutes earlier, & now these guys having a family picnic! One of our most striking species, without doubt. You’ll get another shot at photos of these guys. I can feel it in me waters!!
Wow that’s a very striking bird! And a sweet little chicken too
They are stunning birds! And such crazy characters; which chooks are too actually
At least we got to see why you nearly cried, Kim. We understand, but imagine if you didn’t get this lovely shot?
It’s a memory shot for sure Neil, and I’m trying to be philosophical about it but it was so rotten to see the birds disappear as quickly as they’d arrived
I love both crowned birds. And have never, ever seen a Chestnut-crowned Babbler. Beautiful things. I do feel your pain.
I hope you get to see some babblers EC, I think you’d enjoy their antics