Cygnets warm the cockles of my heart whether they’re hitch-hiking, following a parent or posing beautifully.
Black Swan (Cygnus atratus) – cygnet
I was lying at the edge of the water to get the shot above. I wish I had a chance like that every week.
Black Swan (Cygnus atratus) – cygnet hitch-hiking
And the shot above is another sight I’d like to see more often, no wonder cygnets make me smile!
Black Swan (Cygnus atratus) – cygnets with parent
This little raft of cygnets were paddling around at the Western Treatment Plant a couple of weeks ago. Black Swans are magnificent waterbirds, they are found across Australia, they are vegetarian, supremely graceful on water and comically clumsy on land. They need about 40 metres of open water to take off and they pair for life. How beautiful.
Happy birding
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Aww how stunning! I love the droplet of water on the cygnet’s beak and seeing them hitch a ride with mum!
I could watch cygnets for hours, they are so sweet
Images like these make my heart melt and dissolve into a soggy, sentimental puddle.
That is an impressive family the swans have raised – and I do love the back brooder too.
I find something beautifully soothing about sights like these cygnets too
Kim, once again your beautiful photos give us the opportunity to smile, smile, smile!
Exquisite, cute and a wonderful distraction from the challenges of everyday life.
Thank you for your lovely comment Margot