
Some absolutely gorgeous ducklings this week as we all need some smiles.

Maned Duck aka Australian Wood Duck

How cute are are the pin feathers on this tiny Maned Duckling, sprouting like a pair of minuscule rudders. Soon the keratin sheath will break apart and the duckling’s tail will look more normal.

Maned Duck aka Australian Wood Duck

Maned Ducks are dabbling ducks that forage mainly on plants and occasionally on insects.

Maned Duck aka Australian Wood Duck

The water looks exquisitely beautiful in the photograph above, almost unbelievably silky.

Maned Duck aka Australian Wood Duck

One of the ducklings had strayed too far away and the mother duck firmly called it back. They are remarkable parents and I often marvel at how brilliantly they manage to keep so many ducklings safe from foxes and other predators. A few years ago I shared photographs of a group of 29 ducklings that were seen again almost a month later without the parents having lost a single one.

Maned Duck aka Australian Wood Duck

Such busy little bundles of feathers.

Maned Duck aka Australian Wood Duck

And when they’d finished in the water they wandered towards me across the grass – such a blissful moment. They were so tiny that people walked by without realising what I was photographing. When this duckling wasn’t stretching itself so tall it was lower than some of the blades of grass. It’s hard to get a sense of how little they were when I’ve used my depth of field settings to isolate them from the foreground and background. The affect of the DOF setting is further enhanced as I was lying flat out on the grass. I think this shot may be my favourite of all of them and the more I look at it the more I think I’d like to have it printed and framed.

Happy birding, Kim

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10 comments to Ducklings

  • Duck-Lovin' Kid

    Chúng tôi yêu nó! (Vietnamese for “we love it!” I am currently learning Vietnamese. It’s a beautiful culture.)

  • Alyssa

    Absolutely divine!

  • Fiona Williams

    Thank you for the superb photos and the happiness and optimism they bring Kim. I would frame them all 🙂

    • lirralirra

      I’m so pleased you like them Fiona, thank you! And that’s lovely about framing them all too, I’m in the process of getting a spectacular print made for someone, which will be fabulous to see 🙂

  • Deirdre O'S

    Ducks are so dignified! And they look so proud and pleased to be ducks! Ace photos, Kim. Chooks have that unappealing jerk when they walk, but ducks have that comical waddle – which is why they are such charmers. I know it’s a cliche, but i always remind myself when I see the ducks looking so serene, gliding on the water, that beneath the surface they are paddling at full pelt.
    It takes a lot of effort to stay afloat in this world! i took your advice, and put out a large birdbath last week, to help the birds in our hideous 3 day heatwave. I’m sure the birds enjoyed a splash and a drink – but when I heard a shrill, chattering sound, I looked out of my window at 2am, and saw 3 flying foxes lying blissfully with their wings outstretched in the shallow water, and taking a big gulp. It must be hard to be hairy on a hot day! I swear I could hear them sigh with relief – poor little buggers!

    • lirralirra

      What a brilliant outcome with the flying foxes Deirdre! That is truly wonderful as they are barely coping with climate change and we’d be seriously lost without them. If it’s a deep birdbath it’s important to put a stick or rock in there in case tiny birds get waterlogged and can’t get out (apologies if you already have done this but maybe my comment will help another reader one day).

  • Liz Reid

    They are so gorgeous, sure made me smile. Wonderfully captured, thanks Kim!

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