The exhibition images were hung today ready for the opening tomorrow! I feel as though my part of the exhibition is a kind of walk-through lirralirra with high res images to savour at leisure before wandering around the beautiful gardens of the Mont de Lancey historic homestead and enjoying a cuppa in the newly opened tea rooms.
Superb Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) – young male
1/1600, f/5.6, ISO 800
Unless they’re sporting their bright blue breeding plumage it can be tricky to tell a male fairy-wren from a female. Both genders are brownish-grey above with pale underparts and both can have a bluish tinge to their tail. The biggest clue that the bird above is less than a year old, and is male, is that the end of his bill is turning black. Adult males have black bills, adult females have brown bills and brown lores (the area between the bill and the eye).
It’s been a hectic week with much effort put into ensuring that the exhibition images are the best they can be. My warmest thanks to everyone who has helped with setting up the exhibition, including Glenn, Greg, Joy, Stephen and especially David Burren and Fiona – without you the walls would be empty.
If you would like to visit the exhibition please check last week’s post for details.
Happy birding, Kim
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Beautiful shot! I love how they stand, looking so alert and full of energy,
That describes him perfectly Thomas, primed and ready to go
PS your site is a joy to visit
Gorgeous photograph! Can’t wait for the exhibition today!
Aw, thanks Alyssa
Perfect! A wonderful photo.
Thank you Susan!
Superb photo Kim!
Thanks Neil! And thanks for your detailed response to the shooter on Season of Shame 2, what they do is indefensible in so many ways.
That is an absolutely glorious image.
Thank you so much.
Our fairy-wrens are very photogenic, and it’s extra thoughtful of them when they pause for a moment in the middle of their busy-ness
Congratulations Kim, what an achievement, you have come along way since we met on the beach at San Remo.
Your hard work and dedication is really paying off.
Enjoy yourself on Saturday, it will be a day to remember.
I look forward to viewing your lovely photos next week.
Warmest Regards,
Thank you Carole. I remember meeting on the beach at San Remo very clearly and am looking forward to catching up at the exhibition