This is a big week for lirralirra – it’s 5 years since my first post and definitely a good time to share one of my favourite images.
Swamp Harrier (Circus approximans)
1/2000, f/7.1, ISO 800
I’ve always admired in-flight shots of Swamp Harriers and hoped to one day capture an image I was happy with. That time finally came when this magnificent bird flew towards me in golden light at the end of a long day.
Harriers often fly fairly low across grasslands and wetlands as they use both sight and hearing to help locate prey. I find their warm colouring very attractive. They have long, yellow legs which can be seen in the image, along with fierce looking talons that make short work of small mammals and birds (that aren’t in flight). Swamp Harriers can often be readily identified at some distance due to their white rump and the way they soar with uplifted wings.
When I started lirralirra I knew no other bird photographers, and precious few photographers of any kind, but I was desperate to learn. I thought that the discipline of committing to a new post each Friday would ensure I kept striving to improve. As a stand-alone website, rather than an Instagram or Tumblr-type format, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be found among the millions of pages out there but somehow, magically, readers appeared from 3235 cities in 153 countries across the world. My analytics program shows that well over 100,000 visits have been made to the site and thankfully they weren’t all accidental.
I’d like to let all readers know that your visits, kind comments and ‘likes’ have been a great encouragement to me – you are all part of this journey. My challenge for the coming year is to combine my love of ethical bird photography and my teaching background to create workshops that will hopefully inspire others to follow their dreams and honour our beautiful birdlife.
Happy birding
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Congratulations Kim, well deserved and I totally agree with all other comments. You bring such weekly joy and learning to us ‘birdos’. Wishing you many more years of fabulous photos on your Bird journey.
Thank you Alison, it’s lovely to feel part of a wider ‘family’ of people who walk around peering into bushes
Look forward to your posts Kim, you are a practical and talented person. Congratulations on five years. Thanks for sharing your photos and knowledge.
Thank you for your kind comments Marg. Five years go much more quickly than they used to.
5 years! That’s incredible! You’re such a wonderful woman and I have so much respect for everything you do! Congrats on all the awards, they’re proof of just how wonderful you are! Xx
Aw thank you wonderful Rachel, and for being part of the adventures in the middle of nowhere in the early days xo
Fantastic Harrier photo…well done.
Thank you Bob
Five years wow congrats Kim
Thanks Evan. It’s crazy how much faster time goes when you’re not a child any more!
beaut shot kim
Thank you Glenn
Woo happy anniversary! I’m always in awe of everything you’ve achieved. Your natural aptitude and hard work have created so many incredible images, like this beautiful one.
I think combining your photography/ethics with your teaching skills is a match made in heaven! Exciting stuff
Thanks for your encouragement Alyssa, I hope others agree with you
5 years! Well done on all your hard work and effort, it’s paid off in your numerous awards and beautiful photos! Xx
Thanks Tam, it’s fun to have something in the house that is fun to dust xo
Happy anniversary! I love your photographs. Thank you for sharing them.
Thank you Meredith
Happy blogoversary.
I am so grateful to have found your posts. I am a happy snapper rather than a photographer, but am also an appreciator. And I do appreciate your posts. Immensely.
Thank you EC, I’m glad you found me too, and that I found your fascinating and thought-provoking site
Hi Kim,
A really lovely photo.
I have always looked forward to your weekly bird photos…
I can’t believe it has been 5 years.
You truly have followed your dreams…so many lovely photos.
Thank you for sharing them with us.
And you’ve been on the journey since the very beginning when I remember you picked up on typos for me in the days when everything seemed so complicated that I missed more than I should have – thank you!
Magnificent shot of this wonderful bird Kim. I’m heading north in a few weeks and my birding tutor and mentor is always trying for a shot of this bird. So far we haven’t scored, but if we get anything like this, we will be just as happy as you. Well done! Tremendous journey.
Have a great trip up north Neil and I hope you get heaps of shots that keep you smiling
I always enjoy your posts Kim.
Hi Cheryl, that makes me happy, thanks for letting me know.
What a gorgeous shot! I love how it is looking a little toward you.
Whenever a raptor looks towards me I’m glad I’m not a mouse, shivers
Really enjoy your weekly posts Kim and would also love to attend any future workshops. Love your great work.
Thank you Christine! Let’s get started on a workshop soon, I’m working on a practical approach from capturing the images through to post-processing and tips on entering national and internationals (if required).