Fusion – nature through the lens

Today I brought home the first of the framed images that will be hanging at my first exhibition – I’m rapt that it looks so good and can’t wait to see the others framed up and ready to display.



1/400, f/6.3, ISO 800


My apologies for the reflections and the corner protectors, product photography is definitely not my forte. I’ve included a copy of the unframed image below, at a file size of just 345KB; the print was made from a file size of 27.1MB, approximately 80 times the resolution shown below – I love the fine detail that can be savoured in high definition images. Other prints in the exhibition have been made from even larger files.


Barn Owl face off/Wisdom

Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
1/1250, f/7.1, ISO 800


Barn Owls range in size from about 30-40cm with females being slightly larger than males. They are found across Australia and feed mainly on the introduced house mouse ( I almost said they feed on house mice but that sounds way too odd) and small native mammals; their call is a strange mixture of screeches and whistles. Their most remarkable features are their plumage, eyes and  heart-shaped face. The facial disc helps channel sounds to their offset ears, the system is so effective that they can pinpoint a mouse in darkness. Their eyes are large, forward facing and capable of remarkable night vision. Their underparts are whitish with a scattering of dark spots while their upperparts are a stunning mix of chestnut, grey and warm browns with white spots tipped with black – just beautiful.

Owls are often considered wise, from Owl in Winnie the Pooh back to ancient mythology where the Greek and Roman goddesses, Athena and Minerva, relied on owls for their knowledge and wisdom.

Most of the images I’ve selected for the exhibition have been successful in international photography salons where many have received multiple awards; some have featured on lirralirra while others are newbies. Today’s image has been exhibited internationally and was awarded in the USA, and, like all my images in the exhibition, it has been printed using quality pigment inks on 100% cotton rag, fine art archival paper. If you come along while I’m there, please introduce yourself, it’d be great to meet you – see below if you’d like more information.

Happy birding



Fusion – nature through the lens


Fusion – nature through the lens is a collaborative photographic exhibition by three Yarra Valley photographers, Kim Wormald, Greg Carrick and Joy Phillips, each exploring nature photography in different styles. Kim Wormald has been a bird photographer for a number of years, her photographs have won awards nationally and internationally. Her work is pure, birds in their natural habitat, highlighting the detail of their plumage and personalities. Greg Carrick has more of an experimental technique, photographing landscapes in the Yarra Valley and Dandenongs, then manipulating them to create pieces that require a second look. Joy Phillips combines both natural photography and manipulated pieces to create artworks with a story. Each piece gives the sense of the location it was taken and creates a whole new world for people to explore. (Greg and Joy are friends of mine who create superb photographs and artwork)


Mont de Lancey Historic Homestead, 71 Wellington Road, Wandin North  03 5964 2088 – 5 minutes from Mt Evelyn


Saturday 12 November to Sunday 11 December inclusive
Official opening by Kath Gannaway at 12 noon on Saturday 12 November
Open Wednesdays to Sundays, 10am – 4pm, (except market days when it opens at 9am)


If you’re able to attend you might like to go on Saturday 12 November or Saturday 11 December when the Mont de Lancey Country market will be held or maybe over the weekend of 26-27 November when the Draught Horse and Vintage Machinery show will have working displays that include draught horses, working machinery, blacksmithing and woodturning, working sheep dogs and creative chainsaw carving. Even on ordinary days there is heaps to see at Mont de Lancey, including the 1860s homestead, beautiful gardens, a chapel and a fabulous museum.

Thanks to David Burren (see links page) for suggesting I should write about the exhibition on lirralirra; I’ve been so busy sorting things out that I hadn’t thought to let people know about it.


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