I haven’t had time to update this page as often as I should. Visiting facebook.com/kimwormaldlirralirra and clicking on ‘photos’ is probably a better way to whizz through some beautiful birds, and a few other critters too.
This gallery includes a selection of images, some with hyper-links to the full-size image and relevant post. High quality, fully guaranteed prints, and other gifts, are available via my shop at Redbubble – Kim Wormald lirralirra

Juvenile Fantail
lirralirra exhibition
Gallery news

lirralirra exhibition
Gallery news
Superb Fairy-wren
Fairy-wrens and backgrounds

Grey Teal
Life on a Post
Brown Thornbill
Thornbill with Rabbit Fluff
Gang-gang Cockatoo
Gang-gang Cockatoo
Wedge-tailed Eagle
Wedge-tailed Eagle
Hooded Plover chick
In Love with Hoodie Chicks
Cape Barren Goose
On the clifftop
Barking Owl
Seriously spectacular bird
Eastern Yellow Robin
Lucky Robin, I hope
Eastern Barn Owl
Barn Owl, blood moon
Brown Thornbill
Follow your dreams
Tribute feather flying above a pit where native waterbirds had been shot
Season of Shame – Part 2 GRAPHIC IMAGES
Hooded Plover chick – endangered
Hooded Plover Chicks
Whistling Kite
Season of Shame
Black Swan
Season of Shame
Crested Tern
Fairy and Crested Terns
Welcome Swallows
Werribee Welcome Swallows
Fairy Tern
Fairy and Crested Terns

Helmeted Honeyeater – critically endangered
Minus two degrees
Swamp Harrier
Swamp Harrier drops its prey
Some sweet Silvereyes
Helmeted Honeyeater juveniles
Endangered miracles
Purple Swamphen
Purple portraits
Silver Gull
Mystery eyes and Mystery eyes revealed
Mystery eyes and Mystery eyes revealed
Eastern Spinebill
Eastern Spinebills
Grey Fantail
Grey Fantail
Shy Albatross
Pelagic pain and pleasure
Superb Fairy-wren
5D Mark III
White-naped Honeyeater
5D Mark III
New Holland Honeyeater
5D Mark III
Striated Thornbill
5D Mark III
Nankeen Kestrel
Werribee Western Treatment Plant

Busy week

Eastern Yellow Robin
The yellow robin came bobbin’ along
Providence Petrel
Remarkable stories from Lord Howe Island

Red-tailed Tropicbird
Lord Howe Island Tropicbirds

Red-tailed Tropicbird
Lord Howe Island tropicbirds

Hooded Plover – chick
The hoodies have flown!

Superb Fairy-wren
Hurrah for the fairy-wrens!

Hooded Plover
Hooded Plovers

Helmeted Honeyeater
Helmeted Honeyeater

Australian Wood Duck
Australian Wood Duck

Australian King Parrot
Australian King Parrots

Brown-backed Honeyeater
Brown-backed Honeyeaters and crocodiles

Silver Gull
Gale force gulls

Bush Stone-curlew
Bush Stone-curlew

Silver Gull
Gale Force Gulls

Spotted Pardalote
Pardalotes and granulated sugar

Black Swan
Mid-winter cygnets

Laughing Kookaburra
Laughing Kookaburra

Helmeted Honeyeater – endangered species
Helmeted Honeyeaters!

Buff-banded Rail
Face to face with Buff-banded Rail

Red-tailed Tropicbird
Lord Howe Island tropicbirds

Rainbow Lorikeet
Portrait of a Rainbow
Silvereye triptych

Welcome Swallow
Imperfect Perches
Eastern Yellow Robin
Eastern Yellow Robins
Australian Pelican
Pelicans with Patterned Pouches

Rainbow Lorikeet
Feathered Rainbows

Eastern Spinebill
‘Twas the Skite before Christmas

Zebra Finch
Little Aussie Zebras

Noisy Friarbird
Twas the Skite before Christmas

Gang-gang Cockatoo
Wrens, raven and Gang-gang Cockatoos

Superb Fairy-wren (male)
Wrens, raven and Gang-gang Cockatoos

Superb Fairy-wren (female)
Wrens, raven and Gang-gang Cockatoos
Spotted Pardalote
Spotted Pardalotes

Tawny Frogmouth
Seriously Cute
Happy birding, Kim