Twenty-two photographs today, all but one showing Australasian Gannets bearing gifts. Whatever you celebrate, or don’t celebrate, at this time of year (and however you are feeling about it) I hope you find these shots interesting and intriguing.
Some gannets seem to have been ambitious about how much they could carry, while others appear a bit mingy. I wonder whether the human-made item was received with extra pleasure or with disappointment.
I’m a bit exhausted from another day working in the garden but it’s looking pretty nice. I worked so hard that I’m aching and was unable to get my boots off! Anyways, my apologies that I don’t have time to share all my usual camera settings but photographers among you could probably take a guess on many of them. Nor do I have time to share information between each shot, it’s a scroll-through kind of post this week.
These shots were taken during several visits to the colony at Point Danger on the Victorian coast. The weather and lighting was different every time I was there, which will be obvious when checking out these gift-bearing gannets. So, I hope you enjoy taking a close look at these presents…

The final shot of this post is an Australasian Gannet chick which I think looks as though it’s smiling – I hope you are too.
Happy birding, Kim
PS If you have a favourite shot from these I’d love to know. I had to select a ‘featured image’ to show if I share this link – I’m wondering whether I chose a good one.
~ Prints and gifts Lirralirra Shop
~ Facebook page Kim Wormald – lirralirra
~ Facebook group Ethical Bird Photography
What an amazing, delightful award winning collection. Favourites, much too hard to choose!
Oh that’s lovely Margot, so glad you enjoyed them. If only I could find Christmas gifts by wandering around the garden picking up sticks and leaves!
It’s just too difficult to choose a best shot – they’re all just so wonderful. I grew up near NZ’s biggest gannet sanctuary so, being a bird lover from my youngest days, these beauties have always been high on my list of favourites. Thanks so much for sharing.
I’m glad you enjoyed the gannets and their gifts Joyce. I visited Cape Kidnappers gannet colony, on horseback, when I was travelling around NZ. Now I’m wondering whether it’s the largest sanctuary. I worked in Hastings/Havelock North for a while, it’s a beautiful area.
Yes, Cape Kidnappers is the area I referred to. I believe it’s one of the biggest gannet sanctuaries in the world
I remember it so well even though it was years ago. Such a fabulous place, those gannets were making so much noise!
Absolutely wonderful photos, Kim.
So enjoy your posts. This one best yet for me!
Merry Xmas to you and yours.
Marj Webber
Oh that’s seriously lovey Marj, so stoked that you enjoyed the gannets and their gifts, merry Christmas to you too! Kim
The most wonderful thing about Mothet Nature and all her beautiful, incredible, amazing creations is that everything created in nature is for a purpose and these very cute, industrious and engaging birds show us humans how to be resourceful and not waste anything.
Christmas time is when humans not only overspend but often buy so much stuff and in the end add to already overfilled waste dumps and op shops – one manager refused to take clothes because she had 400 bags unsorted!!! Our amazing feathered friends utilise everything around them and put them to such good use and never create waste. Humans can learn something everyday by exploring our natural environments and watching these wonderful creatures create magic.
Kim thank you for another year of amazing and beautiful photographs and stories, each time your email arrives it is a joyous event and always delivers something very special.
This is a special Christmas wish on behalf of all your feathered friends, thanking you for caring and sharing their world. All our birds and animals need wonderful advocates to fight for their protection, conservation, recognition and respect – you win that award.
Merry Christmas to all bird lovers everywhere and don’t forget to fill those water bowls over the coming summer season – I think it is going to be a hot one!
“Through the quiet of the evening
This greeting speeds its way.
And brings a wish for true content
This Merry Christmas Day;
May peace and happiness abide
Within the heart of you
To bring you hours filled with joy
Each day the whole year through.”
It really is fascinating to see the gifts chosen by the gannets and I did find myself wondering who might like a feather or a piece of rope or seaweed for Christmas! I am staggered at the thought of so many unsorted bags of clothing. Let’s hope it’s because people are decluttering and not intending to refill their wardrobes to the same extent.
I appreciate your insightful and kind comments Barbara, and the lovely Christmas poetry, thank you, Kim
Wow, wow and wow. I am definitely smiling. And delighted. And also fascinated by the differences in their load – both in size and in composition.
Many, many thanks.
No favourites though I am intrigued by the rope, and the shared ‘load’. The chick melts my stony heart too.
Oh how peculiar, I was sure I’d already responded to your comment. So glad you were fascinated by their creative gifts EC, and by the little smiler. It was so interesting to go through the unprocessed images, I hadn’t expected to find quite so many with gifts, though I’m sure there’ll be a few more if I search again!
Oh my gosh, they’re all gorgeous, Kim!
I was going to say my favourites were 5th and 6th, the pair snuggling and both holding a feather together and then got to the bottom to the chick who definitely made me smile. They are all so beautiful. I love Gannets but can only photograph them from headlands when the wind is up.
Thankyou for sharing these beautiful photos and have a great weekend.
Marg x
I like the snuggling one too, it was a sweet one to capture. It was fun to go through my unprocessed shots and find this collection, though I got a bit carried away. Let me know if you’re ever down this way when the gannets are at Point Danger, it’s a beautiful spot. You have a great weekend too xo