While working at my desk I look out of the window (often) and this week it was snowing petals.

1/1600, f/5.6, ISO 1600, handheld
Canon 5DSR, Canon 200-400mm L IS USM EXT
Whenever I see petals falling like snow I know there will be rosellas enjoying a sweet smelling feast. Sometimes I can’t see the birds at all, or maybe I can just catch a hint of darkness among the blossoms. The weather was beautiful so I decided to head outside with my camera and wait, and wait, until one ventured to a more exposed branch.
If it wasn’t for the enjoyment that Crimson and Eastern Rosellas get from the tree (and the hard time I have cutting anything down) I’d replace it with a small eucalyptus species. Another issue with the robinia is the myriad of super spiky suckers that are constantly sprouting around it.
Crimson Rosellas are at my property every day: nibbling on blossoms, digging up the grass, visiting the fruit trees, calling from the tree tops and doing spectacular flyovers where their colours look magnificent. I like the way this rosella glanced at me so casually, it made me happy that I’ve let the tree flourish.
Before I go, how can you help owls and other birds of prey? It’s easy, and vital, check the link: Helping Owls
Happy birding from home, Kim
~ Facebook page Kim Wormald – lirralirra
~ Facebook group Ethical Bird Photography
Hi Kim
Angus and I current caretaking Deal Island lighthouse and station. We are delighted every day with the behaviour of Flame Robins ( involved in survey on this species which has been going for some years I think).
There are of course the ubiquitous Cape Barren Geese with goslings – very cute however the geese are pretty aggressive if you come too close ( natural enough but they can be quite intimidating).
I don’t have a decent camera otherwise would send pics to share. Also seen Brown Falcons, White Bellied Sea Eagle, pacific Gulls, lots of Goldfinches, Beautiful Firetails, Silvereyes, Crescent Honeyeaters, a pair of Galahs who hung around during storm, and 2 Red Knots flew in. Pallid Cuckoos and Black-faced Shrikes also. The birds have very much been a delight for us.
It’s absolutely fascinating to think how far all those species have flown to get to Deal Island. And how awesome to be able to spend so much time with them. Now I’m wondering if you’ve been doing the Aussie Bird Count… I hope so!
Hi Kim. Wow. A beautiful photo. Perfect light and I love seeing habitat too.
Can you imagine those white petals falling like snow? There’s a carpet of them beneath the tree, that strangely enough are eaten by the wild rabbits.
Love these guys, so gentle and friendly, beautiful colours, thanks Kim
Hi Syndy, because they’re here every day I have to make sure I never take them for granted, they really are beautiful
Such glorious striking colours! A beautiful sight
Good info re the owls!
Thank you and thank you!
They are enchanting birds aren’t they? We get them here too and I delight in them. We also get the Eastern Rosellas who are another source of feathered enchantment.
Thanks for the link to protecting owls and other birds of prey. I am averse to poisons and baits and do not use them. They are such an indiscriminate resolution to a problem.
Easterns visit here too but not in such high numbers as the Crimsons. I’m glad you feel that way about poisons!