The Laughing Kookaburras are laughing as I work on this post, and sunset was almost an hour ago.

1/1000, f/6.3, ISO 400
Canon R5, Canon RF 600 f/4 L IS USM
There are newly hatched fairywrens at my place and today I was watching the birdbaths in the hope that they’d visit, they didn’t. Some adult fairywrens turned up, along with plenty of honeyeaters, two thornbill species, finches, scrubwrens, a blackbird (a rare visitor to the birdbaths), rosellas, pardalotes, fantails and a Willy Wagail. The light was disappearing when this kooka flew to a tree at the edge of the bushland. I loved the way it perched in a little patch of light, and I especially loved the way its tummy feathers spilled over the branch.

1/1000, f/6.3, ISO 400
Canon R5, Canon RF 600 f/4 L IS USM
It did a funny little wriggle that made me wonder if it was about to expel a pellet or begin to laugh.

1/1000, f/6.3, ISO 400
Canon R5, Canon RF 600 f/4 L IS USM
Then it looked straight at me and yawned. I’m hoping you’ll be able to see the kooka’s tongue in the shot above. Their tongues are very short compared to other birds.
Happy birding, Kim
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~ Facebook page Kim Wormald – lirralirra
~ Facebook group Ethical Bird Photography
What a delightful set of photos. Each one so expressive. No wonder they are much loved.
Thank you Margot. They are such a beaut iconic species and it’s hard not to smile when they laugh.
Dear Kim and all lovers of our unique and precious wildlife, it is a day of immense sadness and utter disbelief that after over 10,000 submissions were received (highest in history of government) and majority demanding end to this horrific, brutal, sadistic slaughter of gentle, defenceless wild native birds, the ban on duck shooting was rejected.
Why? Because a ruthless, bullying group of men/women (CFMEU) spending $2 million of members’ money threatened to close down every major construction project in Victoria and contacted every newly elected Labor politician threatening to target them at next election.
What a shame they did not spend that $2 million on saving all the 2000 building companies which collapsed in 2022-2023, instead campaigning to make sure a small group of people with double barrelled shotguns continue to kill and injure our beautiful feathered friends.
The spineless, weak, inept Labor government ignored the recommendation of the review to ban duck shooting and caved in to blackmailers. Victoria is now being run by this ruthless organisation.
Please note, however, the Liberals/Nationals and, of course, Shooters Party support the ban and it is vital anyone interested in who to vote for at the next election must also check the Independents.
Why? Because politicians like the ones in government now are only interested in holding on to their seat and will, as shown by this latest appalling turn of events, sell their soul, forgo principles and make decisions which are totally inhumane, immoral, and unjustifiable.
Our voiceless wild birds need us to keep sending emails, messages, making phone calls and reminding every one of these spineless politicians we all vote at the next election and there are over 6 million people in Victoria and we will not be threatened, blackmailed, controlled and bullied by a group of people in Hi viz vests.
As you know firsthand Kim, anyone who has been in these killing fields trying to save or rescue dead and dying birds this must be stopped and we must continue the fight and support people and organisations which are all trying to make that happen.
We hoped it was 2024 but not to be, however, no lover of every creature in nature ever gives up the fight to protect, conserve and save Mother Nature’s amazing and truly wonderful creatures.
To all those people who wrote submissions, made calls, sent messages and donated time, money and endless mental, physical and emotional energy, please take a moment to congratulate yourself because we may not have won this battle this time but we will never give up until we do.
“Wildlife in the world can only be protected by the love of compassionate hearts in the world.”
Mehmet Murat Ildan
I have read your comment several times Barbara… their decision is indefensible. Are you a member of Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting, or CADS? They are calling for many letters to be sent to newspapers and politicians. Now is an important time to continue lobbying as the final details of the decision are yet to be made.
I didn’t know that birds yawned, Kim! I thought that was something only mammals did – well, I have learnt something today! And yes, I can just see his little pink tongue, too – an amazing detail. Lovely photos you’ve given us today- your place must be a paradise for birds, with your bird baths and native trees to feast on. I do have a fondness for kookaburras – such cheeky, chunky birds. I think all Aussies love kookas – probably something to do with that famous song we all learnt in primary school! If only destructive boofheads would stop chopping down gum trees, we might hear kookas laughing again in our suburbs, like we used to, years ago. I’m sure you must be feeling a kind of enraged sorrow – as I am – about the State Government’s refusal to ban bird hunting – it is appalling. 10,500 submissions completely ignored by MPs just weakly caving into blokey trade unions. The Greens have described the government as ‘spineless.’ How tragic and how true. Spineless may soon result in birdless.
It’s a pretty tiny little tongue isn’t it! I am very lucky at my place 143 bird species at last check and new ones still appearing. It will be great if kookas start regaining their numbers. ‘Enraged sorrow’ is a perfect description, it beggars belief.