Last week I mentioned that I’d been spending a lot of time cuddling premature babies at the hospital… so many cuddles, such beautiful babies. Making sure that we have time to spend many hours a day with the babies means racing around while we’re not at the hospital; and that’s what I recognised in today’s first photograph.

The Australasian grebe that is racing across the water is in its subtle, non-breeding plumage. I love the way the golden light highlights its warm brown feathers, its yellow eye while the effect the light has on the background reeds and the water is quite delightful.

The breeding plumage of the Australasian Grebe is far more dramatic than the non-breeding plumage – they almost look like different species. They change from brownish-greys to having distinct facial markings that include a rich chestnut stripe that goes from their eye to their neck, the feathers on their heads are black, and the patch of bare skin at the base of their bill turns pale yellow and becomes more noticeable because of the contrast with the darker facial feathers.

Young Australasian Grebes are seriously cute with striped markings on their faces and bills that help keep them camouflaged amongst the reeds. They are able to swim as soon as they hatch and will be driven away from the area if the parent birds re-breed that season, which they often do at least twice and sometimes three times.
The lirralirra calendar is looking fabulous. I’m waiting for the printer to call me back, we’ve been playing phone tag a lot as I’ve been spending so much time at the hospital with the premature twins. I need to increase the number of calendars I expected to have printed so there is still time if you’d like to add your name to the lovely long list. For the next few days you can contact me for details at or order directly via Lirralirra Calendar – Etsy

As I’m getting ready to share this post the kookaburras started laughing, a pair of Grey Fantails began chasing each other around and around, and the fairywrens took a leisurely bath – blissful. And now to get in scurry mode before relaxing with a tiny twin in my arms.
Happy birding, Kim
~ Prints and gifts Lirralirra Shop
~ Facebook page Kim Wormald – lirralirra
~ Facebook group Ethical Bird Photography
The talent and ideas were all your doing, Kim – all I did was boost your Vitamin C deficiency a bit – that’s Vitamin Confidence! We all lack that from time to time, when life can suddenly turn against you, and give you a nasty kick in the bum.
I didn’t realise the bubs were your grandkids – congrats! I thought you were volunteering at a hospital – silly me! You will be a very energetic and groovy gran – a rare bird indeed!
Stunningly beautiful images – as always. Scurrying around at the moment has its intense rewards as you settle into stillness (except for your beating heart) with the precious twins in your arms.
Thanks EC. You have a way with words that is exceptionally poetic.
The baby grebes look like floating zebras! How brill that there is such a big demand for your calendars, Kim – the price is so reasonable, too.
Very kind of you to cuddle premmie bubs – but I have always thought, if someone offered me to take my pick of either cuddling a human baby, or cuddling a koala – I’d always pick the koala! I’m funny that way…
Floating zebras! How cute a thought is that! Thank you Deirdre for being such a big part of inspiring me to do the calendars. The premmie twins are my youngest daughter’s so I have a huge vested interest and a heart full of love. Cuddling a koala would be pretty awesome too.
What a fabulous looking calendar, and how lovely to see all your photos like that, you must be very satisfied with the result. Congratulations, and I’ll simply have to have one.
I’m so glad you like it Syndy. It was fun choosing the photographs and working with the printer to get the design just the way I wanted it, with the focus on the photographs. So glad you’d like one, Kim