It’s Mothers’ Day in Australia this weekend so I thought I’d share some mumma birds with their youngsters, with one ring-in species to finish up the post.

Watching cygnets is one of my favourite ‘activities’. The little one closest to me has its foot curled up on its back, the human equivalent of putting our feet up. The first time I saw an adult swan do this I was a bit concerned as it looked so odd and uncomfortable.

There were a couple of other cygnets hiding beneath this mumma’s feathers. Female Black Swans are smaller than the males so if you see a pair together it’s quite easy to tell which is which.

This newly hatched Dusky Moorhen could have a face that only a mother could love, but the more I look at it the cuter it becomes.

Australasian Swamphen chicks look quite similar to moorhens, the one above is a little further along with its feather development.

The birds, like Little Pied Cormorants, that feed their young regurgitated food make me quite glad I’m not one of them. The chicks can be very demanding when they are hungry!

I love the way the water looks in the photograph above, with the Pacific Black Duck and her four little ducklings.

Australian Wood Ducks/Maned Ducks often look after quite huge broods. Often these broods are the result of other females laying their eggs in an established nest. I’m in awe of how conscientiously these ducks look out for their ducklings.

Occasionally the ducklings might be left sunning themselves on the bank but the parents are always close by. I like the way the grasses behind these little siblings makes a kind of sunburst.

And now for the ring-ins! As a conservation wildlife photographer I supply images to organisations advocating for various species. The Victorian Kangaroo Alliance provides a wonderful voice for the well-being of our unique, gentle, family groups of kangaroos. I recently visited a place where I often see these beautiful animals but I’d only spotted a couple resting in deep shade. The sun had almost set so I was heading down the hill when I spotted this beautiful pair on the other side of the creek, lit up by the last warm rays of sunshine.
Happy birding, Kim
Update the Parliamentary Inquiry into Native Bird Shooting closed on Monday and has received a huge number of submissions. From what I understand it has become the largest Inquiry in Victoria’s history. At the time of writing 739 submissions have been made public, more are being added to the website each day. The Select Committee is scheduled to share their findings on 31 August 2023. I will keep you posted, and I will keep hoping.
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~ Facebook page Kim Wormald – lirralirra
~ Facebook group Ethical Bird Photography
l love how when viewed from the side, the blackie looks like it’s smiling at you
That’s a gorgeous observation Duck-lovin’ kid
Oh, and I’ve made a petition against bird hunting. Would you like to sign it?
I signed it the other day – thank you for caring. The outcome of the Parliamentary Inquiry is due soon so letters to Vic Labor MPs asking them to support the recommendation would be good…
So heartwarming to see the beautiful bonds between these mums and bubs. Love is truly universal and you capture it beautifully with your pictures. Thank you for including your stunning kangaroo picture, they are such special creatures and deserving of all care and respect.
I totally agree with you about the bonds between mums and bubs of all kinds of species, it is beautiful to witness and we definitely need to treat them with care and respect.
“There is no love on Earth as powerful as a Mother’s love.”
These beautiful moments capture exactly how powerful and the world needs more love than ever and on this special day everyone should connect with nature and look, listen and learn how our unique and precious wildlife nurture, care, protect and love their children.
Loving Mothers are magical and special and whether they have feathers, furs, tails, fins or mobile phones, all should be celebrated.
Beautifully said Barbara! Perfect.
Happy Mothers Kim, also to your girls who are all great mom’s.
I really do love these photos of Mother birds, but my favouite is mother Kangaroo and her baby the light is just so perfect.
Thank you for these so perfect photos.
I think my girls come from a long line of wonderful mummas Dona! I love the kangaroo photograph too and have just come home from visiting exactly the same spot, with similar light (but I don’t think I got anything quite as cute as the photograph I shared here).
Beautiful Kim
, moorhen chicks are my favourite. So cute-ugly and demanding!
I think you’re the first person who has ever told me how much they like moorhen chicks! I love you description of them
Awww. Heart melters one and all. Thank you. Happy Mother’s weekend. And yes, add me to those who are hoping that the submissions are effective. Finally.
I hope you have a beaut weekend EC with some sunrises that make you smile
Beautiful photos Kim, thanks. Hope you have a lovely Mothers Day. Valda
Thank you Valda! I hope you do too, Kim