Wading across to Mud Islands has been on my wish list for many years and thanks to Chris from Friends of the Hooded Plovers it finally happened.
Crested Tern (Sterna bergii) – coming in
Canon 5D3, 100-400mm L IS USM, 1/800, f7.1, ISO 200, focal length 400mm
We set out from Blairgowrie late in the morning and arrived at Mud Islands about forty minutes later. The boat backed into the shallows, lowered a ramp and a group of avid bird watchers braved the cold water, the sucking sands and tangling sea grass as we waded to shore while taking care not to step on the tiny crabs.
Mud Islands are two large sand banks in Port Phillip bay that provide an important habitat for bird species and have been listed as a RAMSAR site. The islands continually change shape due to tides, storms and wind. There are no trees on the islands but they are well-covered with Coast Saltbush (Atriplex cinerea).
I saw a dozen or so bird species (bird call stands at 22) but spent most of my time trying to photograph Caspian Tern and Crested Tern through the heat haze in the midday sun.
I like the way the tern, in the image above, is partially obscured by its rapidly moving wings as it brings a fish back to its chick.
Crested Tern (Sterna bergii) – looking for its chick
Canon 5D3, 100-400mm L IS USM, 1/800, f7.1, ISO 200, focal length 400mm
The sea of upturned bills looked comical as the parent terns arrived back at the colony.
Crested Tern (Sterna bergii) – dropping down
Canon 5D3, 100-400mm L IS USM, 1/800, f7.1, ISO 200, focal length 400mm
There are a couple of young chicks hiding in the image above. Chicks called constantly to the parent birds, it was noisy and active as terns and seagulls chased incoming terns to try to steal their fish.
The images below give some idea of the busy-ness with birds of various ages and a couple of opportunistic Silver Gulls.
I knew I’d like Mud Islands, I didn’t know how much. I hope to get back soon.
Oh, before I go, I’m working on a lirralirra calendar again this year. It will feature images that have been successful in national and international nature photography competitions and it will be ready soon through Redbubble.
Happy birding, Kim
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Super Kim, I do hope your first photo of the Tern with a fish in his mouth is in the Calendar
, just so very perfect in my eye’s, assuming of course we are going to receive a Calendar this year. My very best Wishes to your and your families a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy Healthy New year. love Dona
Oh I didn’t put that one in but it would have been a good choice. I did include the other one you mentioned, the Eastern Spinebill in the very last ray of sunshine of the evening, and lots of other shots that have been doing well internationally and were fun to take. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and 2015 too, Kim x
Hi Kim,
Love your images and would love to join you on Saturday week. Unfortunately, after checking the calendar I am looking after the Grandchildren on the Friday night.
Have fun
Thanks Marilyn, and no worries, maybe next time.
Based on your images, this is a special place and I certainly understand your desire to get back there soon. The terns were very cooperative – holding the minnows in a position that allowed good eye contact with bird and fish.
You have an eye for detail Dave! I took a lot of images with the less photogenic end of the fish in view.
Kim those are absolutely stunning images. Those chicks make me smile.
Thanks Sherry. They made me smile so much I’m trying to organise another trip before they’re grown up
What a magical day. Thank you (so much) for sharing some of the beauty and the joy.
Thank you EC, I wish you’d been there to share the magic.