I laughed so hard about some of the suggestions to last week’s mystery feet quiz, including Dodo for feet number 7.
Mystery feet 1 – Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Mystery feet 2 – Dusky Moorhen
Mystery feet 3 – Shy Albatross
Mystery feet 4 – Red-kneed Dotterel
Mystery Feet 5 – Australasian Gannet – juvenile
Mystery feet 6 – Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Mystery feet 7 – Little Penguin
Mystery feet 8 – Australian White Ibis
Mystery feet 9 – Noisy Miner
I spent most of today watching the AIPP Professional Photography Awards and haven’t yet had the chance to answer last week’s comments.
I wish that everyone who messaged and emailed me had also shared their answers, some had many correct and several messages were hilarious. Thank you to all the foot-detectives and comedians – I hope everyone enjoyed a chuckle.
Happy birding and enjoy all the fascinating feet you see out there
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That little Penguin – best photo!
Where was that taken?
Thanks Jacob, that’s a lovely compliment from someone who knows so much about Little Penguins. I took it at Phillip Island.
Big smiles.
Feet are an issue with me. Mine are recalcitrant about obeying my commands/wishes/suggestions – and not as pretty as many of those you displayed.
I’m sorry to hear that your feet are recalcitrant but I’m sure they are quite beautiful compared to the ones I photographed. Now you have me imagining a model shoot featuring your toes
Oh I don’t think I posted mine on the last page! I just remember you giggled at me thinking the penguin was a dodo. I think I only got the cocky right!
Lots of lovely photos!
I think you got another one of them too, maybe the ibis. You did make me laugh : )
Thank you
Great fun and I even got one right … hehehe
Me too. Just the one though.
Congratulations to you both!