This year’s annual lirralirra mystery images are rear views which, I found, are just as difficult to take with intention as are front views – but at least I didn’t have to worry about getting the eye in focus!
Rear View Mystery 1
Rear View Mystery 2
Rear View Mystery 3
Rear View Mystery 4
Rear View Mystery 5
Rear View Mystery 6
Rear View Mystery 7
Rear View Mystery 8
Rear View Mystery 9
Rear View Mystery 10
My thanks to Michael and Louise for their kind comments about previous lirralirra quizzes and for serendipitously reminding me that it’s time for this year’s mysteries.
I think 50% on these quizzes is pretty awesome, even 20%, they can be trickier than I’d originally anticipated. I’ve included a few clues this year that might be helpful. Anyways, put your guesses to any or all of the images in the comments if you’d like to and I’ll share the answers next week – good luck!
Happy birding
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This is is a tough one! OK, we’ve avoided reading the comments so here goes
1. Superb Fairy-wren
2. Wood Duck
3. White-naped Honeyeater
4. Hooded Plover (young one?)
5. Pacific Black Duck
6. Louise – Grey Fantail (juvenile), Michael – another Fairy-wren not sure which one
7. Pied Cormorant
8. Yellow-tufted or Helmeted Honeyeater
9. Black Swans
10. Masked Lapwing
That’s very impressive! I keep thinking the fantail looks like a fairy-wren even though I know it isn’t, I’m glad the ‘reveal’ shot was taken at the same time. I’d meant to give a clue that all ten birds were different species, sorry about forgetting that, and congratulations Louise! Thank you for the awesome post you did on Square-tailed Kites that led to me remembering this year’s mysteries
I’ll answer all the comments at the weekend
And good on you all for having a go, and thanks for the laughs!
1. a mummy fairy-wren
3. two birds
4. a hooded plover from the beach
5. that’s easy, a duck
7. a gull
8. helmeted honeyeater
9. ducky bottoms
10. sea gull
Well done Quiz Girl! I think you deserve an award for getting the two endangered species. The ‘ducky bottoms’ were actually ‘swan bottoms’ and you’ll be able to see the others in the post after this one
I actually found this immensely amusing this morning so thank you!
That’s good Sherry
I’ve just posted the suggestions that have come in so far – you guys are awesome, skill and laughs are a great mix
Thanks for the quizz. Here my try.
1: Superb Fairywren
2: Maned Duck
3: White-naped HE
4: Black-Fronted Dotterel
5: Pazific Black Duck
6: ?? Fairywren
7: Austrailian Pied Cormorant
8: Purple-gaped HE
9: Musk Duck
10: Masked Lawinen
Hi Nikolas, congratulations on recognising so many species from their rear views! Number 6 tricked several guessers, I’d have made the same suggestion myself if I hadn’t taken the shot.
ok now I am becoming a pest – see the monster you created! I should have worked this one out but the mystery honey is a yellow-tufted? I think….
And another yes! It’s the endangered sub-species of the Yellow-tufted, the Helmeted; beautiful little birds busily nesting at the moment, bless their socks
I want to change my number 4 guess to juvenile Hooded plover? ….
ok, I love a challenge! 1. Superb Fairy-wren – female?
2. How much wood would a woodduck chuck if a woodduck could chuck wood?
3. not sure what you call them but we call them white-naped honeyeater?
4. black-fronted dotterel
5. Pacific black
6. grey fantail
7. pied cormorant
8. honeyeater – this is hard for me as we dont have these and I dont have my bird book – lewin’s or something?
9. black swan – recognise those arses anywhere
10.Masked lapwing….
how did I go???? tell me tell me!
You made me laugh! We call them White-naped Honeyeaters too and I’d be surprised to see a wood duck chucking wood but then again I did see a swan chucking wood today so anything’s possible. So, eight out of ten here but just moments later things changed …
I have been trying to get them all but i have only ended up with a few! im only eight so i think im doing pretty well
1. fairy wren
2. Australian wood duck
3. a white butted some sort of bird
4. hooded plover
5. some sort of duck?
6. a sort of wren [maybe]
7. some sort of seagull
8. a devil bird
10. a yellow necklaced bird?
You did brilliantly, especially considering you are only eight! I saw some more toads and white butted sorts of birds today and will catch up with the devil birds next week
Here is my attempt
Superb Fairy Wren Male eclipse.
Male Wood Duck or as we should call them a Maned Duck, and and an excellent example of why we can call them a Maned Duck..
Black Chinned Honeyeater
Hooded Plover
Black Pacific Duck
Superb Fairy Wren Female
Pied Cormorant (Not Little Pied)
Yellow Tufted Honeyeater
Black Swans
Masked Plover.
And a fantastic attempt it is too! Only the pesky fantail completely tricked you and, as I mentioned in other comments, I had meant to give the clue that all the birds were different species as I thought that one looked like a fairy-wren too. I was at the treatment plant today and hoped to see you, maybe next time
Bah ha ha fluffy bird bums are so amusing
It was so fun playing this with you last night!
Birds are cute from every angle eh
Blue wren
Wood duck
Silver eye
Hooded plover
Pacific black duck
Grey fantail (er not sure)
Pied cormorant
Helmeted honeyeater
Grey teal (some type of duck I don’t know)
Masked lapwing/spurwing plover
Lilla, that’s fabulous! You’ve got an eye for detail, only the swan bottoms escaped your eagle eye
Superb Fairy-wren
Male Wood duck
White-naped Honeyeater?
Little ringed plover
Pacific black duck
Pied cormorant
Helmeted Honeyeater
Black swan
Masked Lapwing
Hi Stephen, what a neat surprise to see your list – you sat beside me before your recent, excellent, talk at KPS (I didn’t introduce myself so don’t expect you to remember!) I had to google Little Ringed Plover and can see why you suggested it. I think the rear view of the fantail looks like a fairy-wren too. I’ll add your website to my links page
I’ll keep this week’s comments under wraps for a while – it’s great seeing your suggestions so far, awesome
What fun, and not a common view
1. Variegated Fairy-wren

2. Wood Duck
3. Brown-headed Honeyeater
4. Hooded Plover juvie
5. Pacific Black Duck (hybrid, orange legs)
6. Grey Fantail
7. Pied Cormorant
8. Yellow-tufted Honeyeater
9. Black Swan
10. Masked Lapwing
That’s awesome Rebecca! Fairy-wren and honeyeater are both right too but subtly different species. I deliberately chose a black duck shot with the legs showing as a clue but I hadn’t expected any one to comment on the mallard link. I wonder if you already knew you can ID birds from the back and the front
No 1 immature Superb Fairy Wren
No 2 male Australian Wood Duck
No 3 mating Silvereyes
No 4 immature Hooded Plover/Dotterel
No 5 Pacific Black Duck
No 6 Jenny Wren
No 7 Little Pied Cormorant
No 8 Yellow Tufted Honeyeater
No 9 cygnets ( Black Swan)
No 10 Masked Lapwing
Wow! I meant to say that all the birds were different species as I thought the fantail looked like a fairy-wren too. A few people thought number 3 was more than one bird and now it’s been mentioned I can see two birds every time I look at it even though I know it’s only one!
This is a difficult quiz, my best betare 3rd is a very rufled Noisy Miner, 5th maybe a Pacific Duck, the rest, no idea
Thank goodness we usually get more than the rear ends to help ID the birds! Good on you for having a go Pauli
Just a stab in the dark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.Superb Fairy-wren
2.Wood Duck
3.White-throated Honeyeater
4.Hooded Plover
6.Red-backed Fairy-wren
7.Little Pied Cormorant
8.Yellow-plumed Honeyeater
9.Blue-billed Duck
10.Masked Lapwing
That’s an impressive stab in the dark Warren! When I look at past quizzes I do pretty poorly, which is funny considering I took the images
1) Jenny wren
2) Australian wood duck
3) thorn bill
4) hoody
5) some duck
6) fan tail?
7) cormorant?
8) another thorn bill? Hee hoe?
9) a water bird
10) it’s a mystery.
Tamsin, that is awesome! You are a first class closet birder
Rear View Mystery 7 is obviously the Pink Spot Flat Butted Black Gull.
So funny! I saw some PSFBBGs at the WTP today – your avian taxonomy would brighten up the field guides
1. Superb Fairy Wren
2. Male Australian Wood Duck
3. White-naped Honeyeater
4. ?
5. Pacific Black Duck
6. White-winged Fairy Wren
7. Little Pied Cormorant
9. Freckled Duck
10. Spur-winged Plover.
That’s a good looking list Robbo. I feel a bit mean having included the two endangered species at 4 and 8, I hadn’t thought through how many people would never have seen them (except maybe on lirralirra posts). I’d love to have a decent shot of a White-winged Fairy-wren instead of the little blurs currently lurking in my Lightroom catalogue. That thought made me check my images and I have a couple that aren’t too terrible, how exciting!
1: Fairy wren. Going with suburb just because that’s all I seem to see.
2: Wood duck
3: white naped honeyeater
4: black fronted dotteral but have a bunch its something else.
5 Aus Shoveller
10: looks like masked lapwing but again, assuming something else
9 freckled duck
7 Little pied cormorant.
Genuinely interested to see how I go
Have a ‘bird poo’ photography project so am getting quite familiar with the butts of more common birds
Bird poo can be pretty interesting, especially in flight when it can look ridiculously artistic. Now you’ve got me wishing I’d keyworded ‘poo’ instead of having a laugh and deleting the images. Do you have an Instagram account? Excellent answers to the quiz! Four completely right and at least two half right
Colour me clueless.
I am obviously not a butt woman. And should be.
The third one’s colouration made me think of a silver-eye, but…
And the fifth is a duck of some sort I think.
You’re right with the duck and close with the Silvereye, which is pretty cool for someone who’s not a butt woman