Mystery Silhouettes

This year’s annual lirralirra mystery images are silhouettes. Some were taken that way while others took ages to turn into silhouettes in lightroom, and one took even longer using ‘marching ants’ in photoshop. I am seriously hopeless at using photoshop, luckily it’s not generally needed for nature photography.


Mystery Silhouette 1



Mystery Silhouette 2


Mystery Silhouette 3



Mystery Silhouette 4


Mystery Silhouette 5



Mystery Silhouette 6



Mystery Silhouette 7



Mystery Silhouette 8



Mystery Silhouette 9



Mystery Silhouette 10



Usually getting 50% on these quizzes is pretty awesome, even 20%, as they are often trickier than I realise. This year I think there could be some people getting 70-100% – I hope so. Put guesses to any or all of the silhouettes in the comments if you’d like to and I’ll share the answers next week – good luck!

Oh, and I don’t expect the specific species unless it’s obvious by particular features other than colour.

Happy birding



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23 comments to Mystery Silhouettes

  • Gary Gale

    Australian Magpie
    Purple Swamphen
    Australasian Darter
    Black Swan
    Crested tern
    Superb Fairy Wren
    Little Cormorant
    Azure Kingfisher
    Eastern Great Egret

  • L+C

    Mystery Guesses
    1 Magpies
    2 Swamp-hen
    3 Darter
    4 Swan
    5 Wedge-tailed Eagle
    6 Gannet
    7 Wren
    8 Cormorant
    9 Kingfisher

  • Judy Irvin

    1 babblers or apostle birds
    2 NZ pukaho
    3: darter or cormorant
    4 Black swan
    5 little eagle
    6 Gannet
    7 fairy wren
    8. Comorans
    9. Kingfisher
    10 Great Egret

  • Evie Hanlon

    Somehow I left mine on the snakebird page…
    Here I am again.
    1. Australian Magpies. 2. Purple Moorhen
    3. Australasian Darter 5. Black Swan
    5. Wedgie 6. No clue
    7. Fairywren 8. Cormorant
    9. Kingfisher probably Forest. 10 Great Egret.

  • Tiffany Mason

    Hi Kim,
    What a great idea! Surprising how tricky some of them are…here are my guesses:
    Purple Swamphen
    Black Swan
    Wedge-tailed Eagle
    Gull of some sort? This was the trickiest!
    Fairy-wren (Superb?)
    Little Pied Cormorant
    Sacred Kingfisher
    Eastern Great Egret

    Thanks for all your beautiful photos. You take some really extraordinary shots and bring out the characters of your subjects.
    Kind regards,

  • Hi Kimberley

    Here are my thoughts
    1-Australian magpie,
    2-Purple Swamphen,
    3-Australsian Darter,
    4-Australian Black Swan,
    5-Wedgtailed Eagle,
    6-Gull Billed Tern,
    7-Superb Fairy Wren,
    8-Little Pied Cormorant,
    9-Laughing Kookaburra,
    10-Eastern Great Egret


  • Mark Ayers

    Australian magpie
    Australasian swamp hen
    Black Swan
    Wedge tailed eagle
    Red backed fairy wren
    Little pied cormorant
    Sacred kingfisher
    Eastern great egret

  • sunsday west

    Magpie swamphen darter swan wedgie gannet fairy-wren little black cormorant kingfisher great egret

  • Liz Reid

    1: Australian Magpie
    2: Australasian Swamphen
    3: Australasian Darter
    4: Black Swan
    5: Wedge-tailed Eagle
    6: Tern
    7: Fairy-wren
    8: Cormorant
    9: Kingfisher
    10: Brolga

  • Gavin Phillips

    What a fun idea this is:
    1. Australian Magpie
    2. Purple Swamp Hen
    3. Australasian Darter
    4. Black Swan
    5. Wedge-tailed Eagle
    6. Australasian Gannet
    7. Superb Fairy-wren
    8. Little Pied Cormorant
    9. Sacred Kingfisher
    10. Great Egret

  • Josefina Thomas

    1.? Apostle birds or white winged choughs
    2. Swamp hen
    3. Cormorant
    4. Black Swan
    5. ?Wedge tailed eagle
    6. ?Gannet
    7. Fairy wren
    8. Darter
    9. King Fisher
    10. Great Egret

  • Michael Livingston

    My guesses:

    1. Little raven
    2. Australasian swamphen
    3. Darter
    4. Black swan
    5. Wedge-tailed eagle
    6. crested tern?
    7. Superb fairy-wren
    8. Little black cormorant
    9. Sacred kingfisher
    10. Great egret

  • Alison Moore

    Thx Kim for prodding the brain cells on this Saturday morning.

  • Alison Moore

    Purple Swamp Hen
    Black Swan
    Wedge-tailed Eagle
    Little Cormorant
    Great Egret

  • Marian

    1. White-winged chough.
    2. Purple Swamphen
    3. Australasian Darter
    4. Black swan
    5. Wedge-tailed eagle
    6. Gannet
    7. Fairy-wren
    8. Cormorant
    9. Kingfisher (sacred or maybe red-backed)
    10. Great Egret

  • Leanne

    Oo the featured one is tricky!
    1. Magpies
    2. Maybe a baby something watery?
    3. Darter
    4. Black swan
    5. Wedge tailed eagle
    6. That sea bird that is white with the yellow stripe on the inside of its wing. I think it could be a bird of paradise. I think it’s from Lord Howe Island?
    7. Thornbill
    8. Cormorant
    9. Kookaburra
    10. Brolga? It’s so long!
    Great quiz as always!

  • I will have to come back when more of my brain is firing.
    I do (fortunately) recognise a couple at first glance (I think), but others require more thought. I hadn’t realised how much I rely on colour…

  • Renate Hottmann-Schaefer

    1. Apostelbirds
    2. Raven
    3. Darter
    4. Swan
    5. Eagle
    6. Gull
    7. Fairywren
    8. Little Black Cormorant
    9. Kingfisher
    10. Egret

  • Alyssa

    I’m guessing:
    Black swan
    Wedge tailed eagle
    Fairy wren

  • Selby Iles

    1# Magpies.
    2# Purple Swamphen.
    3# Australian Darter.
    4# Black Swan.
    5# Wedge-tailed Eagle.
    6# Australian Gannet.
    7# Superb Fairywren.
    8# Little Pied Cormorant.
    9# Sacred Kingfisher.
    10# Great Egret.

  • Samantha Greiner

    3 Australian Magpies, Purple Swamphen, Australian Darter, Black Swan, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Australian Gannett, a fairy-wren, a cormorant, a kingfisher and Great Egret

  • Rebecca

    1. Australian Magpie, 2. Purple Swamphen, 3 Australasian Darter, 4. Black Swan, 5. Wedge-tailed Eagle, 6. Australasian Gannet, 7. Super Fairywren, 8. Little Pied Cormorant, 9. Azure Kingfisher, 10. Eastern Great Egret


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