The very last of the day’s light lit up this group of Australian White Ibis and the Royal Spoonbill.
Australian White Ibis, Royal Spoonbill
1/1000, f/8.0, ISO 800
I took this shot a while ago, crouched at the water’s edge at the Hunter Wetlands, Newcastle, NSW. It was a warm, peaceful evening watching the birds quietly foraging as the light disappeared. The Royal Spoonbill’s stretch looked magnificent and I like the way one of the ibis looked towards it as it danced.
The crest on the back of the spoonbill’s head, a nuchal crest, is distinctive during the breeding season. In this image the red and yellow skin patches can just be seen on the spoonbill’s face. I especially like the patterns of the reflections and wish I could magic my way back to a similar scene.
I named this image ‘Night Dancers’ so used the same title for the post – now I’m wondering whether many googlers will have an unexpected surprise when this post isn’t quite what they were expecting.
Happy birding
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Very beautiful!
It was a beautiful sight, quite magical
Lovely! It’s a ‘peaceful’ looking shot and I like looking at it, thank you. I see a spoonbill most mornings on my walk and they’re just a lovely bird.
How beautiful to see spoonbills most mornings! That’d be just perfect. It was magical to watch the birds that evening, and very peaceful too
Stunning image, Kim.Thanks for sharing it.
Thank you Katherine, it was lovely to watch the scene as the light changed
Their choreography is exceptional.
This image is complete heart balm. Huge thanks.
Ibis and Spoonbill Lake instead of Swan Lake
Beautiful image Kim.
Thank you Greg