Purple-backed Fairywrens are exquisite.

1/1600, f/5.6, ISO 800, focal length 560mm
Canon 5DsR, Canon 200-400 L IS USM EXT
I’ve realised as I look at this tiny fairywren that it is probably my favourite species. I keep dawdling just to look at how beautiful it is, and at 11:15pm I have to work fast if I’m going to publish lirralirra today so I definitely shouldn’t be dawdling!
I’ve been crazily busy this week tidying my small Land for Wildlife property after wild weather brought down some pretty huge branches, heaps of bark and a huge bottlebrush. The drains needed cleaning, weeds needed pulling (weeds still need pulling) and there was a lot of grass to mow.
Oh and I must apologise to my awesome subscribers, your emails haven’t been sent for the past few weeks, hopefully all is now fixed. Lirralirra was still being published so there’ll be some posts to explore when you have a few spare minutes.
Happy birding
~ Facebook page Kim Wormald – lirralirra
~ Facebook group Ethical Bird Photography
How perfect is he! He’s just gorgeous and so, so paintable.
Hi Syndy, you’ve made me wish I was artistic, and wonder whether you are
Hey Kim, I’ve been asked by a friend to paint 3 superb fairy wrens, you have my email if you’re able to help me out with reference photos and I’ll provide further info. This one is so such a cutie!
Oh my goodness Syndy, I’ve just found an email from you that I’m not sure whether I answered. I’ll check it properly as soon as I can. Please email more information about what you need re the fairywrens
Just beautiful.
Thank you Elizabeth
Hi Kim,
Never ending cycle with cleaning and clearing your block, when you’re lucky enough to own a piece of this great country. I must confess that the Purple-backed Fairywren is my favourite of all the tiny little guys, but having said that, I am still yet to see one? I would dearly love to be able, one day, to sit down and enjoy any time that I could in the company of a pair of these exquisite little creatures. . .one day.
I do enjoy working at my place, the more I’m out there the more I see. I hope you get to see these fairywrens soon Bruce, and spend a nice long time with them
This beautiful little bird would brighten up anyone’s day. Magical.
And we definitely need our days brightened at the moment
They are heartmeltingly exquisite aren’t they? Gardening? Like housework it is never, ever done. Or not here anyway.
And the hail and winds have probably set us both back in the garden. Canberra has had such a hard time recently, I hope it hasn’t affected you too much EC
Just love the way they hold their tail. Beautiful!
Now you’ve made me try to think of appropriate descriptors but none seems perfect: elegant, jaunty, perpendicular … they’re getting worse
As usual , a lovely write-up and excellent photos
Thank you Bill