Superb Fairy-wrens are seriously gorgeous.
Superb Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) – female
These little beauties nest at my place, generally on the ground among the juncus reeds. I usually see them virtually every day but I haven’t seen them for a while, I hope it’s because the weather has been so miserable that I haven’t been out and about as much as usual.
A family of Grey Butcherbirds have been frequent visitors and although they have a pleasant call and a dapper look, they are not birds that I welcome for long periods; I’m hoping they don’t have anything to do with the missing wrens. I also hope that new neighbours don’t have roaming cats.
Superb Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) – female
Sometimes I get the chance to watch birds bathing and I particularly like capturing the flurry of feathers that generally follows a dip.
Here’s hoping that all birds have a beaut breeding season this year.
Happy birding
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I love your photos so much Kim. I have the camera… just wish I knew how to use it.
The Superb Fairy-wrens have just reappeared at Sydney Park. Male and female seen 26 August, first sighting since mid-March. Today, two males and two females! Missed courting behaviour last spring (I’d never even seen fairy-wrens previously) but have no doubt I’m seeing it now. So fortunate and exciting to see it as it happens. So few people in the park pay any attention to the wonderful birds, except the obvious water birds – ducks, coots etc.
And so much more happening at the park:
White-faced herons – pair nest-building
Noisy Miners – groups wing-flapping and calls very different to usual. I assume this is courting behaviour?
Figbirds – first seen this week, more than ever seen previously. Males and females fanning and raising tails up and down. Again, assume this is courting behaviour?
Grey Butcherbirds – reappeared 4 weeks ago at last summer’s nesting area. Found by song.
Time to bring my camera and binoculars on my dog-walks again… Thrilled about the next 4-5 months of bird-watching at Sydney Park. For Sydney subscribers, it’s a magical inner-city spot for birdwatching.
Hi Kate, it sounds like spring has arrived at Sydney Park! I really enjoyed reading your comment and hearing about the birds; you’ve made me keen to visit when I’m in Sydney next. I hope you have heaps of fun (and success) with your camera over the next few months.
Aww!! poor little fellow has someone dunked him\her in some water ???? great work Kim
She dunked herself Dona, it cools them on hot days and helps to keep them clear of parasites, as well as making them look cute
They are one of our favourites too. Interesting that the female wren got soooo wet, this is unusual I would think, rather impedes flight and escape?
Hi Alison, you’re absolutely right about being so wet impeding escape, birds are very vulnerable when bathing which is why they generally choose areas with a lot of cover, which there was here. The other thing I’ve noticed is that one good shake rids them of most of the excess water.
Fabulous photos! I’ve got some who visit my bird bath and it gives me such joy to see them in their ‘ruffled’ state. Little birds with big character!
Thanks Nush. It’s lovely to see them ruffled, I’m glad you get to enjoy such sights too.
Haha oh bless it’s damp, tufty feathers! So sweet!
Aw, she is very sweet with those damp, tufty feathers
Seriously gorgeous is an understatement.
Anthromorphism or not, birds seem to thoroughly enjoy bathing don’t they? And look enchanting afterwards.
They really do EC! Now you’ve made me imagine them with bubbles and a rubber duck