I’ve had a seriously busy week but managed to get away for a couple of quick photoshoots.
Welcome Swallow (Hirundo neoxena)
1/1250, f/8.0, ISO 800
This Welcome Swallow image is my favourite from this week’s photoshoots, I took it this morning after a lovely friend spotted a pair of swallows occasionally perching at the edge of a large pond at the Cranbourne Royal Botanic Gardens. The rusty perch means that I won’t be able to use the image in formal nature competitions but I like the way it highlights the bird’s rusty looking feathers. The blues are also exquisite and I especially like the soft colours on the wings and the fluffy, wind-blown underbelly feathers.
Welcome Swallows are 15cm and 15g, and well-known across most of Australia. They are acrobatic flyers that are mesmerising to watch as they swoop and soar to catch insects in flight.
I was really moved by the kind comments here, on Facebook and in emails following last week’s AGNPOTY post – thank you.
Happy birding
NB: I will answer comments to last week’s post as soon as I can
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What a delightful little bird. I love it’s fluffy undercarriage and the iridescent blues of its cape.
Ooh, I wish you’d written the text, your description is so evocative
Beautiful photo as always Kim. Thanks for all your posts.
Thank you so much Neil
Just gorgeous Kim!
Thank you Gai
What a beautiful image, Kim! I do love your work: it always seems to capture the essence of each bird. Cheers, Sel.
Thank you Sel, I feel very lucky each time I capture something beautiful
These are magnificent. I love your photography and love for birds. This information is so great !!
Thank you Noel
What a great shot!
Thank you Cloudia!
Oh Kim.
What a heart-melting charmer.
I am sure it brightened your busy day, and your image does mine.
Thank you.
I can’t help but smile when I see such beauty in something we so often take for granted