A wonderful pair of migratory visitors turned up at my place on World Migratory Bird Day – Scarlet Robins!

This is one of the cutest photographs I’ve ever taken; she was like a fluffy little golfball. This female Scarlet Robin sat quietly in the shallow birdbath for ages before flying towards me and landing on my lens. She looked into my eyes for ages as I tried desperately not to blink. It was a magical moment. I haven’t managed to photograph her yet this year so re-shared this favourite shot from last year.

I spotted the male Scarlet Robin first, his bright red chest is so vibrant. The pair, along with a family of Superb Fairywrens, were the first birds I saw that morning. These robins are altitudinal migrators and are the best part of winter.
This afternoon I attended a presentation by Sean Dooley (author of The Big Twitch) at a local library and during the talk he mentioned that Scarlet Robins (along with other species) are declining in numbers. I hope so much that land-clearing stops and that more properties are covenanted or join groups such as Gardens for Wildlife. Imagine if everyone planted more locally indigenous natives; wildlife corridors would be enhanced and birds would be able to move through to their feeding areas. It could save species from extinction. What a wonderful thought.
Happy birding, Kim
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So stunning! I hope I spot them before they head off again.
I hope so too Alyssa. The female was being strangely territorial the other day…
Sorry, but can you please add new posts an hour or two earlier than you currently do so I can view them on the same day they are posted? (Just wan to stick to the screen time restrictions from my parents.)
So sorry D-LK, I’ll do my best to post earlier when I can but I’m super busy most days and often post later than I want to. You’ve given me a nudge to try to organise things differently
Sorry, but can you please add new posts at around 7-8pm so I can view them on the same day they are posted?
What absolute charmers. We have local indigenous plants and exotics in our big (and overgrown) garden. The birds and the insects appreciate them and I classify it as a win/win. Incidentally, for some reason many of the birds LOVE the camellias. Easy access to nectar?
Your garden sounds (and looks) splendid for you and for birds. That’s interesting about the camellias… if it’s honeyeaters that love them it would be the nectar.
The wattlebirds in particular love them – and spend a lot of time upside down in the blooms. Which I delight in watching
That sounds awesome EC! I’d love to watch them too