At first this little gosling had its head tucked under its parent’s wing, but quiet observation and patience reaped a super cute reward.
Cape Barren Goose (Cereopsis novaehollandiae) – gosling
1/1250, f/8.0, ISO 1600
My beady-eyed friend in the passenger seat beside me somehow noticed the fluffy down nestled beside the goose that was sunning itself in a Phillip Island car park.
I pulled up several spaces along from the bird, crept out of the car on the opposite side to the goose, crawled across the asphalt and peeked around my front tyre. After many minutes of watching, this little gosling peeked out and looked towards me. I’d guess it’s just a few days old, maybe a week at most. Its egg tooth has already disappeared (see last week’s post for more ‘egg tooth’ information and images).
Sorry this post is briefer than usual but my internet is once again being an ‘internot’, and the more complicated post I was working on will need to wait for another day.
Happy birding
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Stunning. Thank you.
Thank you Meredith, I’m so pleased to know that you enjoyed seeing the little gosling
And how I love the image in my head of you belly-crawling across the car park – both for the humourous side and as an indication of your care of your subjects.
Mad women with cameras RULE.
I have very trendy jeans EC from crawling across car parks and the like, nice expensive looking rips in all the right places
PS and three cheers for all mad women with cameras!
So gorgeous!
I’ve got other sweet shots of other little bubs that emerged that I might be able to share one day, really gorgeous little goslings