Birdlife Australia’s Threatened Bird Network was established twenty years ago and is a ‘community based program aimed at encouraging participation in urgent conservation tasks for threatened birds‘ – recovery teams and community groups play a huge part in helping to ensure the survival of threatened species.
Threatened Bird Network Banner
Australian Bittern – Peter Gower, Fairy Tern and Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo – Georgina Steytler,
Swift Parrot – Wilson Lennard, Helmeted Honeyeater – Nick Bradsworth, Malleefowl – Kim Wormald/AWC
Earlier this year I was contacted by Caroline at the Threatened Bird Network (TBN) regarding a banner being created to promote the TBN at community events. I understand that creating the banner was a long process, involving a designer and many decisions as they sifted through images to create artwork that would help spread the word about threatened species.
I think the banner is fantastic and am rapt to have my Malleefowl image, photographed with the assistance of the Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC), as one of the featured images. It was neat to see that I know two of the other photographers, Nick who works with the Helmeted Honeyeater recovery team and Georgina who has been part of the Birdlife Australia Photography Group committee and who is a co-admin on the facebook page Ethical Bird Photography.
During my involvement with the Helmeted Honeyeaters and the Hooded Plovers I’ve been lucky to see first hand the incredible dedication of community groups and individuals as they strive to ensure the survival of threatened species. There are many ways that volunteers can help, either in the field or behind the scenes – if you aren’t already involved it can be a highly rewarding activity. More information on the program and volunteering options, can be found here: Threatened Bird Network
Malleefowl at Scotia and More from the Mallee are previous lirralirra posts with a range of images from the AWC property at Scotia, including Malleefowl, Bridled Nailtail Wallaby, Mala and funny shots of a Sand Goanna – the TBN banner has brought back some of my favourite memories.
Happy birding
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Congratulations! It’s wonderful that your art can promote the wellbeing of our beautiful wildlife
Thank you Alyssa, and thanks for all you do to support our beautiful wildlife
I am thrilled that your image has been included, and how I wish the banner was TOTALLY unnecessary. Sadly I have no doubt that it could stretch to include many, many more birds. And other species.
That is so true about wishing the banner was unnecessary. I often think what it would be like to put back the clock a few hundred years and imagine we’d had the sense to learn from the indigenous peoples, and the sense not to introduce pests and weeds.
Congratulations Kim….you are becoming a household name.
Your photos are so deserving of the recognition that you are receiving.
Lovely to see your beautiful photos being spread far and wide for all to admire.
Aw Carole, thank you so much
PS The TBN Banner looks amazing. Congratulations to all the incredibly talented and passionate photographers.
It’s great that the TBN have put it together
To all bird lovers, please check out the Victorian National Parks website as they are asking for help to stop beaches where the Hooded Plover is nesting being used for training racehorses. These beautiful little birds need us all to raise our voices and inform politicians to keep horses on racetracks and allow our natural environments and wildlife to survive in peace and harmony.
I totally agree Barbara, it’s unbelievable that our beaches are being used as training tracks. Hopefully thousands of hoodie lovers will raise their voices loudly and clearly.