I think this photograph deserves a caption.

1/640, f/5.6, ISO 3200
Canon R5, Canon RF 600 f/4 L IS USM
Red-browed Finches love to bathe in pretty big groups, squeezing as many as possible into my shallow birdbaths and even overflowing into puddles like in the photograph above.
This shot made me chuckle. There were heaps of birds bathing in the puddle, some can be seen in the background. The finch on the right seems to be ‘commenting’ on the splashing from the finch on the left. I think the finch on the right looks a little like a miniature penguin with its wet underbelly feathers sitting the way they are. I wish I knew what it was thinking.
Happy birding, Kim
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Haha adorable! I see the mini penguin! I think they are saying, ‘how very dare you’.
I’m glad I’m not the only one to spot the mini penguin! And that caption sounds just about right.
That is hysterical and I know exactly what that gorgeous little plump finch on the right is thinking because it is definitely the Nan out on a day’s play with the grandkids and getting drenched with water at the delight of the little finches!!!
The look on its cute face and its stoic stance says it all – this has made a very busy and frustrating day dealing with bureaucrats end on a very joyous note!
Thank you for sharing this magic – best way to end the week with a laugh and a smile. I have some wonderful pictures of my two gorgeous granddaughters playing in puddles in the rain and fortunately I was on the end of the camera and well out of range of getting very wet but the moment was just as wonderful as your beautiful picture has captured.
I have just sent my submission to all the politicians so those not in the hearing are reminded they also are elected representatives and need to start making decisions which reflect the communities’ wishes and, more importantly, value, respect, protect and conserve our unique and irreplaceable feathered friends.
Have a magic weekend.
Oh my goodness Barbara, I answered your comment a week ago but the my reply seems to have disappeared! I could just imagine what your were saying and loved the thought of your gorgeous grandies playing in puddles. That’s great about your submission. Almost 2000 of them have been made public and so far they are mainly barracking for a ban. It’s a scary and hopeful time.